WMC Inbound Review
  • 04 Aug 2022
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WMC Inbound Review

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The Inbound Review team is responsible for managing unknown accessorial claims submitted by Carriers which are escalated for manual review.

Business Workflows

The IB Accessorial claim workflows contain the accessorial claims submitted by carriers against their IB shipments. Claims created in these workflows are approved by the IB team if the claims are escalated.

The following example illustrates the XORM claim workflow process, but the steps are like other Accessorial claim workflows.

  1. Click on the Business Workflows option in the Navigation Panel on the left of the screen.

  2. The Business Workflows page contains all the Business Workflows.

WMC_IB_review_001 - Workflow list

Business Workflows

  1. Choose the required Business Workflow.

WMC_IB_review_002 - select Workflow

Business Workflow – XORM Claim

  1. Upon selecting the Business Workflow, the Load Listing page appears on the screen. It displays the list of all the loads.

  2. Each column contains information Like the Load ID, Load Type, Carrier SCAC, etc., that can be specific to the Accessorial claim type.

WMC_IB_review_003 - claim list

Load Listing page

View Accessorial claim escalation

  1. Click on the View Details button on the right side of the screen to view the details of the Accessorial Claim.

WMC_IB_review_004 - processing error highlighted

Load Listing Page – View Details

  1. Upon clicking the View Details button, a new screen appears listing all the details regarding that load.

WMC_IB_review_005 - claim detail view

Load Detail Listing page

Approve/Decline the Accessorial claim escalation

  1. Click on the Update button to update the accessorial claim status.

WMC_IB_review_006 - claim update (1)

Load Detail Listing Page - Update button

  1. Now, an Update side bar appears from the right side of the screen, asking for a few details to enter.

  2. The update side bar contains IB Resolution section.

  3. Under the IB Resolution section:

    • Enter the Review comment & the XORM approved unit.

    • Select the option from the IB XORM approval dropdown. The dropdown down has two options: Approve or Declined.

    • Select any option as per requirement.

WMC_IB_review_007 - claim update view

Load Detail Listing Page - Update Sidebar

  1. Upon filling the required fields, click on the Update button at the bottom right side of the screen to accept or decline the accessorial claim.

WMC_IB_review_008 - claim update confirm

Load Detail Listing Page - Approve or Decline load

View the Accessorial claim approval status

  1. Upon clicking the Update button, the load detail listing page appears.

  2. View the information entered for that specific load under the IB Resolution section.

WMC_IB_review_011 - claim approved

IB Resolution section - view information

  1. Upon viewing all the information, click on the Send button on the top right corner of the screen.

WMC_IB_review_012 - claim approved send to finish

Load Detail Listing Page – Send

  1. After clicking the Send button, see the IB accessorial case status as Closed and Approved, and IB XORM Approval as Approved.

WMC_IB_review_014 - claim approved sent

Load Detail Listing Page - Status Approved


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