Widget Types & Arrangement
  • 26 Sep 2022
  • 1 読む分
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Widget Types & Arrangement

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Types of Widgets

A widget is an element on the Dashboard that allows you to view important information at a glance.
When you log in to the platform, you have the option to add widgets from the Dashboard page. There are six pre-built widget types on the platform.

Let's learn more about each type.

  1. ASSIGNED TO ME - This widget lists the number of shipment instances assigned to the user.

  2. CHART FILTER - This widget creates a chart based on the selected instance attributes.

  3. DISPUTE STATUS - This widget lists the number of disputes within the workflow.

  4. INSTANCE CREATED - This widget lists the number of instances within the workflow.

  5. RECENT ACTIVITIES - This widget lists the most recent activities from the workflow.

  6. WORKFLOW STATUS - This widget ists the status of workflow instances in the selected workflow.

Widgets - Rearrangement & Resizing

Here, learn how to rearrange and resize widgets on the Dashboard.

  1. Log in to the DL Asset Track Platform.
  2. The Dashboard page is the default screen upon logging in.
  3. If not already on the Dashboard page, click on the Dashboard page from the Navigation Panel.
  4. The Dashboard page showcases all widgets in one place.
  5. To rearrange the position of a widget, click & hold three-dot icon in the top left of a widget and drag it to any position on the screen. This changes the position of a widget.


Drag & drop any widget

Widget Operation Controls

On hovering over the top right corner of a widget box, Expand/Collapse & Delete icons appear. Use these icons to perform the respective actions on that particular widget. The Refresh Frequency dropdown list is a regular control menu at the top right corner of every widget box. Clicking on the arrow in this field opens a dropdown list that contains various duration options. Select any option as required to set a refresh frequency for that widget.


Widget Operation Controls

  1. To resize a widget, hover over the top right corner of a widget box. The Expand icon appears. Click on the Expand icon to maximize the widget.


Maximizing a widget

  1. Similarly, to minimize the widget, hover over the top right corner of the widget box and click on the Collapse icon.


Minimizing a widget


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