User Status
- 21 Apr 2022
- 1 読む分
- 印刷する
- 闇光
User Status
- 更新日 21 Apr 2022
- 1 読む分
- 印刷する
- 闇光
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The User Status helps to know whether the user is in Active/In-Active mode.
If a user is performing some malicious activities, then the Admin User can change the status to Active/ In-Active of a user.
- Navigate to the Action Column, select a specific user, and click on the three-dot icon before it.
Three-dot icon
- Click on the Activate Icon to Activate the user.
Activate icon
- A pop-up is displayed to confirm whether to change the user status, click on the Change button to change the user status or click Cancel button to withdraw.
Change/Cancel buttons
- Click on the In-Activate Icon to deactivate the user.
In-Activate icon
- A pop-up is displayed to confirm whether to change the user status, click on the Change to change the user status or click Cancel button to withdraw.
Changing user status
For Example, a tenant has two admins and ten mobile users, the ten mobile users data will be visible to the two admins