Carrier Rate Management
  • 25 Oct 2023
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Carrier Rate Management

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The Carrier Rate Management is a process where Walmart sends Carrier’s bids for Lane rates or where carriers can submit Spot rates. It uses several terms:


Defined as a route that includes an origin, and a destination (also it is identified by a Location ID). Lane is identified by a Lane ID.


Means by which a Carrier can execute a load for a Lane, including important information such as:

  • Mode (TL, LTL)
  • Class (Ground, Rail)
  • Service Level (Single, Team, Relay, LCV, Power Only).

A Transit ID identifies transits.
One Lane ID can be related to multiple Transit IDs.


Refers to the carrier assignment for a given Transit ID for a given Lane and contains essential information such as:

  • The Carrier SCAC
  • The effective and expiry date of the rate

A Sequence ID identifies sequences.
One Lane ID can have many Transit IDs, each with many Sequence IDs.


Refers to the Carrier’s Rate for a particular Lane and Sequence.
A Charge ID identifies rates.

One Lane ID can have multiple Transit IDs, each with multiple Sequence IDs, and each Sequence ID can have one (or in the case of LTL, multiple) Charge IDs.

Carrier Rate Management_Diagrams-Lane Transit Sequence Charge

Carrier Rate Management - Process

Business Workflows

The Business Workflows is a workflow where Walmart sends Carrier's bids for Lane rates. Within this workflow, Carriers can provide Walmart Canada with responses to their lane bid requests, where approved rates are written to the Linehaul Rate master table.

This workflow also allows for the submission and approval/negotiation of Spot rates for a single Load ID.

Approved spot rates are not written to the Linehaul Rate master table, as Spot rates only apply to a single Load ID.

  1. Click on the Business Workflows tab from the Navigation Panel on the left hand-side of the screen.

  2. Select the Carrier Rate Business Workflow.

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Business Workflow – Carrier Rate

  1. Upon selecting the Carrier Rate Business Workflow, the Carrier Load Listing page appears on the screen. It displays the list of all the bids.

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Carrier Rate - Load Listing page

Receiving a Bid

  1. Click on the View Details icon on the right side of the screen to view the bid.

An arrow icon and a pen icon will appear on bids that you can edit. If these icons are missing, Walmart has already received your bid.

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Carrier Load Listing Page - View Details icon

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Carrier Load Listing Page – Arrow & Pencil icon

  1. Upon clicking the View Details icon, the Load Details Listing Page Bid is displayed, that has all the bid related details.

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Carrier Rate – Load Details Listing Page

  1. Now, click on the View Table under the Charge Details section, to view the initiated bid.

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Load Details Listing Page - Charge Detail, View Table

  1. Upon clicking the VIEW TABLE, details such as Equipment_type, Equipment_length and Rate can be viewed.

If the values are blank under Rate column, Walmart Canada requests a bid value to be submitted.

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View Table - Bid Details

Responding to a Bid

  1. Click on the Update button on the top right of the screen to respond to a bid.

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Load Details Listing Page - Update Bid

  1. Upon clicking the Update button, an update side bar appears from the right side of the screen.

  2. Now fill in the relevant fields under the Carrier Assignment.

  3. As part of the bid process, an Effective Date and Expiry Date for the bid are mandatory to be submitted.

  4. Select the dates from the Calendar icon placed beside the Effective_date and Expiry_date field.

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Carrier Rate - Update Bid

  1. After selecting the Effective_date and Expiry_date, click on the drop-down list to expand the TL Rate Ambient section under the Charge Details.

Each bid item is shown in its respective box.

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Carrier Rate - Update Bid, Charge Details

  1. In the Rate field, enter the rate for the bid.

  2. Click on the Update button at the bottom right of the screen to update the rates for the bid.

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Carrier Rate - Update Bid, Charge Details

  1. Upon clicking the Update button, if the rate is successfully updated, a notification will appear at the bottom left of the screen, Asset details updated successfully.

  2. The rates will be updated on the SOA page under the Rate column.

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Carrier Rate – Rate Updated Successfully

If you see a failed notification, follow the above steps to update the Bid Rates again.

  1. Click on the Send button on the top right of the screen to send the updated bid to Walmart Canada.

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Carrier Rate – Send

Updating a Bid

In case of any errors made while submitting the bid, Carriers can revoke the submitted bid and edit it.

  1. Click on the Revoke button on the top right of the screen to update the bid.

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Carrier Rate - Revoke

  1. Upon clicking the Revoke button, the bid can now be edited with the required details.

  2. After entering the required details, click on the Update button to submit the updated bid.

If the Revoke button does not appear, it means the bid has been accepted by the WMC Bid Manager.

Leaving a comment on a bid

  1. Click on the Comments tab under the Activities & Comments section to leave a comment for the WMC Bid Manager on the bid.

  2. Enter the comment into the comment box and click on Submit button.

  3. If the comment is successfully added, a notification will appear at the bottom left of the screen, Comment is added successfully.

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Carrier Rate – Activities & Comments

If you see a failed notification, follow the above steps to add a comment again

Checking the Status of the Bid

  1. When the bid is submitted to Walmart’s Bid Manager, the status of the bid is set to InProgress.

  2. The Walmart Bid Manager will review the submitted bid, and subsequently will either Accept it or Reject it.

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Load Details Listing Page - Submission Details, Status

View or download the Quick Reference Guide for Carrier Rate Management

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Requesting a Spot Rate

A Spot Rate is a one-time linehaul rate applied to a single shipment. Spot Rates are requested by Carriers and approved by Walmart Canada. As Spot Rates are for individual shipments, spot rates are not saved to a carrier's rate toolkit.

  1. Click on the Business Workflows option in the Navigation Panel on the left-hand side of the screen.

  2. The Business Workflows page contains all the Business Workflows.

  3. Select the required Business Workflow.


Business Workflow – Carrier Rate

  1. Upon selecting the Business Workflow, the Load Listing page appears on the screen. It displays the list of all the shipments.

  2. Click on the View Details icon to see the details of a particular shipment.


View Details button

  1. Upon clicking the View Details icon, a new screen appears listing all the details regarding the shipment. View the Line haul rate for this shipment ID.

  2. Click on the Update button on the top right side of your screen to request a spot rate for this shipment ID.


Spot Rate – Update

  1. An update side bar appears from the right side of the screen.

  2. You can view Load details and Accessorial Unit section below.

  3. In the Load details section, select a Load Line Haul Method from the drop-down list.


Load line haul method

  1. The drop-down list displays two options:

    • Calculated

    • Spot

  2. Select Spot from the drop-down list and click on the Update button at the bottom right side of the screen.


Load Line Haul Method – Spot

  1. Upon clicking the Update button, an instance will be created in the Carrier Rate Business Workflow, with a particular Load ID.

  2. Navigate back to the Carrier Rate business workflow.


Business Workflow – Carrier Rate

  1. Upon selecting the Business Workflow, the Carrier Rate Listing page appears on the screen. It displays the list of all the loads.


Carrier Rate Listing page

  1. Click on the View Details icon to see the details of the spot rate.

  2. Upon clicking the View Details icon, a new screen appears listing all the details of the spot rate.


Spot Rate - Details

  1. Upon viewing the Load ID and all the details, click on the Update button at the top right corner of the screen to update the spot details.


Spot Rate – Update button

  1. An update side bar appears from the right side of the screen, enter the Spot rate in the Spot rate field under the Spot details section.


Spot Rate – Update sidebar

  1. Upon updating the spot rate, click on the Send button to send the spot rate to the WMC Bid manager.

  2. Once the WMC Bid manager approves the spot rate it will be reflected in the Line_haul_rate field under the Known charges section.


Line Haul Rate

View or download the Quick Reference Guide for Requesting a Spot Rate

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Negotiate a Spot Rate

If the Walmart Bid Manager rejects the Carrier's spot rate amount, the carrier can modify the bid and re-send it.

  1. After the initial bid is rejected, to re-negotiate the spot, click on the Update button to update the lower spot rates.


Update Button – Negotiate Bid

  1. On the right side of your screen, an Update sidebar appears.

  2. Enter the updated spot rate amount.

  3. Click on the Update button at the bottom right side of the screen to negotiate on the bid.


Bid Rate – Update Button

  1. Upon clicking the Update button, the negotiate rates will be reflected under the Charge Details section, view the details, and click on the Send button on the top right side of the screen to send the negotiated rates.


Negotiated Bid Rate – Send Button


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