- 23 May 2022
- 1 読む分
- 印刷する
- 闇光
Profile Management & Log out
- 更新日 23 May 2022
- 1 読む分
- 印刷する
- 闇光
Change Name on the account Profile
Follow the steps mentioned below to change the Profile name of an account.
- Log in to the DL MineTrace platform.
- Click on the Name or Profile Image icon in the top right corner of the screen.
- A drop-down list appears. Click on the Profile option from the list.
Profile Dropdown list
- Once the Profile Page loads, select the Edit Profile button in the top right section of the screen.
Edit Profile button
Locate the First name & Last name data fields on the Edit Profile window.
Type in a suitable name in the respective data fields as per your requirement.
Edit Profile Window
Click on the Save Changes button to change the name.
Th updated name is then seen on the profile just below the profile image.
Update Profile Picture
Follow these simple steps to update a profile picture.
- Log in to the DL MineTrace platform.
- Click on the Name or Profile Image icon in the top right corner of the screen.
- A drop-down list appears.
- Click on the Profile option from this list.
Profile Dropdown list
- Once the Profile Page loads, hover the cursor over the Profile Image.
- A Change photo option is seen just above the profile name.
Change Photo option
Click on the Change photo option and select the required photo from the log in device.
The profile picture is now successfully updated.
After completion of tasks, log out of the platform by following the instructions given below.
Click on the Name or Profile Image icon in the top right corner of the screen.
A drop-down list appears. Click on the Logout option from the list.
Profile Dropdown list
- A confirmation box pops up on the screen. Click on the Yes button to log out of the platform.
Logout Confirmation