- 25 May 2022
- 2 読む分
- 印刷する
- 闇光
Invite organization to your database
- 更新日 25 May 2022
- 2 読む分
- 印刷する
- 闇光
The Invitation is a significant feature, unique to Element DB, and is not present in any other SQL Database. This feature allows the user to share databases with other organizations that are a part of the Element DB system through a straightforward process.
- Sign in to the DL Unify Portal.
Sign in page
- Select the Element DB tile from the DL Unify Dashboard and enter the Element Secret.
Element Secret pop-up
- Manage Databases is the default page visible upon sign-in.
Manage Databases Page
- Select the Database for which the invite must be sent to the organization.
Database tile
- This redirects the admin user to a page where relevant information about the selected database is displayed.
Database information page
- Click on the +Invite button on the top right corner of the screen.
+Invite button
Choose an organization from the listed organizations on Element DB. The admin user has the option of selecting multiple users.
Click on the Invite button to send an invitation to the other organization.
Invite Organization popup
Only the organizations within the Element DB can receive the invitations.
- The invitation is visible on the Invitations page in the Sent section.
Sent section
- An invitation in the Pending State cannot be activated. However, click on the Revoke button in the top right corner of the screen to revoke it.
Revoke button
- The other organizations who are part of the invitation can view the revoked database.
Revoked database
The other organizations who are not a part of the invitation cannot view the revoked database.
- Once the other Organization accepts the Invitation, click the Activate button (top right of the screen) to share the database. A success response appears at the bottom left of the screen, confirming the activation.
Activate button
All the database history, including deleted logs, is shared with the other organization when sharing databases.
Add at least one peer to interact with any database.
To do so, click on the Invitations page.
Invitations page
- Click on the Received section
- Select the shared database to be worked on.
Shared Database
The page containing information of the selected database is opened.
Click on the +Peers button at the top right corner of the page and select the peers to be added.
+Peers button
- Click on the Add button to confirm the addition of peers.
Add button
- The shared Database is now activated and visible on the Manage Databases page.
Manage Databases