Checking the Status of Accessorial claims
  • 03 Oct 2023
  • 1 読む分
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Checking the Status of Accessorial claims

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How to check an existing claim?

How to check existing claims in DL Freight .mov

  1. To check the existing accessorial claims, navigate to the Load details page of the selected load.
  2. Locate the Accessorial claim section from the load details page.

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Load details page

  1. On the left-hand side, view a list of accessorial claim categories, and on the right, a link to view each category.

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Accessorial claim section on the Load details page

  1. Click on the VIEW TABLE link of the corresponding claim to view it.
  2. Upon clicking the view table link, the Data Table page opens. The table name is the same as the accessorial claim that is selected. For reference, the Shunt claim was selected for the screenshot below.

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Data Table for Shunt Accessorial claim

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Important Data Fields on the accessorial claims table

  1. Important data fields that are displayed on this table are:
    a. Incident Number (1)
    b. Accessorial case status (2)
    c. Messages (3)

The data displayed on the data table will not be identical for all Accessorial claims. The data fields will vary based on the attributes and information provided for the claim.

Processing Error for Claims

Whenever an Accessorial claim status displays as Processing ERROR, it means that the claim added by the carrier is in review.

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Accessorial claim with Processing Error status

From the load details page of a particular load, check the status of a claim. If the claim has a processing error, then a Walmart Associate is reviewing the claim. Hence, the accessorial claim message also displays as In Review on the platform.
A decision will be provided on the claim, and then the status is updated in the claim details.
• If the claim is approved, it is added to the carrier invoice.
• Declined claims are not a part of the final invoice.

Smart Contract Logs

  1. Click the page-like icon on the load list page.

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View Details icon

  1. A detailed view page for that particular load is displayed.
  2. Navigate to the Smart contract logs section.
  3. Click on the VIEW TABLE link located in front of the Source_2_NOC attribute.

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  1. A table with details like Load_accessorial_charge_code, Load_accessorial_unit, and Load_accessorial_desc is displayed.

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Source_2_NOC table


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