- 18 Jul 2022
- 1 読む分
- 印刷する
- 闇光
Creating a Master Table
- 更新日 18 Jul 2022
- 1 読む分
- 印刷する
- 闇光
CreatFollow the steps to create a Master Table:
- After logging in, click on the +Master Table button in the top right corner.
+Master Table button
- Now, a Create window form slides in from the right.
Create window sidebar
- Click on the Expand button to maximize this window.
Create window full screen
Click on the Restore button to change the screen to the default view.
In the Basic Information section, enter the Name of the Master Table.
Moving ahead, enter the column name in the Column Name textbox and select a column type from Number, String, or Date/Time,
Check the Set as Key checkbox to make a column a primary key.
Set as Key option
- Click on the Add button to add the column.
Adding a column
A column is seen under the Added Columns section.
Click on the bin icon to delete an added column.
Deleting an added column
- Also, use the Create Another and Retain Data features as needed.
Create Another & Retain Data checkboxes
Retain Data - this feature helps to retain the already added information for the Master Table.
Create Another: Helps to quickly create another Master Table, i.e., the Create form window will not close.
On selecting Create Another and Retain Data features together, the same data is replicated under all textboxes to create a new Master Table.
12, Click on the Save button to create the Master Table.
- A notification appears in the bottom left of the screen that says "Schema is created successfully."
Creation notification
- The Master Table is added in the list view of the platform.