  • 26 Sep 2022
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An Asset is any tangible or intangible object that a user wants to track or trace. An Attribute defines one of the characteristics of an Asset. However, an asset can have multiple attributes.

Attributes of an Asset can be a set of detailed characteristics in several formats - numeric, string, abstract, unit, etc.


To create a new Attribute in the Asset Category, follow the sequence below:

  • Click on the Asset Category page from the Navigation Panel if you are not already on the same page.
  • From the Asset Category list view, click anywhere on your intended category except icons under the Actions tab.
  • Another way to navigate to the attributes list view is by clicking on the View icon under the Actions tab.
  • This opens a new form window containing Attributes and Expressions.


View icon

  • Click on the +Attribute button at the top right corner of the Attribute list view.

A +Attribute button also appears in the middle of the page only if there are no pre-existing attributes in your Asset Category.

blank screen - no attribute.jpg

Create attribute button

  • The command opens a Create form window, which slides in from the right side. Enter your Attribute name in the Name field.

  • Select the type of field from the Field Type dropdown menu.


Field type dropdown menu

  • Fill or select the necessary information as required for the chosen field type. (This point is explained later in depth.)

  • The Create form provides a Set Default Value checkbox to set a default value to any attribute.

The end-user can now view the selected value when they first open the platform to create a new instance in a Workflow.

  • Click on the Select Group Tag dropdown menu to add a group tag to the attribute.

Adding a Group tag is not mandatory. However, it is highly recommended to add a group tag as it helps you segregate the data better. Also, a Group tag creation is as simple as typing it in the search bar and creating it.


Default value and Group tag

  • The platform also provides Create Another checkbox at the bottom. You can use this checkbox to stay on the Create page for adding an attribute.

The Create Another function clears all textboxes and keeps you on the same page to add a new attribute.

  • There is also a Retain Data checkbox to retain the added values in the textboxes.

This function retains the added data across all textboxes to add attributes.

Retain Data checkbox is enabled only when you click on the Create Another checkbox.

  • After entering all valid credentials, click on the Save button to create a new attribute under the Asset Category.

  • If you don't want to create an attribute, click on the Cancel button or click on the Close icon in the top right corner.

  • If some wrong information is entered across all textboxes, click on the Clear button to wipe all data entered across the fields.


Save and Cancel buttons

Remember, Name, Field Type, and Select Validations are mandatory textboxes. The Save button is only enabled after entering the relevant data across these fields.

  • After successful creating an Attribute, a notification appears at the bottom left of your screen that displays: "Asset Category has been updated."


Attribute creation notification

If a notification pops-up at the bottom left of your screen displaying "Your web browser may have encountered an issue. Please try again." be aware that the attribute creation has failed.

In such cases, check your internet connection, and if it is working, try repeating the process for attribute creation.


Error notification

Click anywhere else on the screen or click on the cross icon of the notification at the bottom left to close it.

  • Verify that the attribute is created by looking for it in the Attribute list view.


Asset Category records' page

Remember, there cannot be two attributes with the same name (case insensitive) in one Asset Category.

Types of Attributes

Check out the different field types to select from while creating an Attribute:

  1. DatePicker
  2. Dropdown
  3. Dynamic
  4. File upload
  5. Multiselect dropdown
  6. Textarea
  7. Textbox
  8. Set of attributes

How to use the DatePicker attribute:

The DatePicker function enables a calendar option on the application that the participants can use to set a date for the assigned attribute.

  • Enter the name in the Name field box.
  • Select the DatePicker option to set a Date and Time to an attribute.


Field type dropdown menu

  • For the DatePicker field type, select a Date format from the dropdown menu as per your requirement.


Date format dropdown menu

There are five Date formats available for selection viz. dd-mmm-yy, dd-mmm-yyyy, mm/dd/yy, mm/dd/yyyy, yyyy/mm/dd.

  • Moreover, you can also select a default value using the Default value checkbox displayed in the Datepicker option.
  • After clicking on the checkbox, it is mandatory to enter a date in the Datepicker box that appears.
  • If a date is not entered, a message "Default value is required" appears by the platform below the box.


Set Default Value option

  • If you want to set a time, toggle between the Allow time button.
  • Select the Time format from the dropdown menu.

There are two time formats available viz. hh:mm, hh:mm:ss.


Time format dropdown menu

  • Click on the Save button to add this attribute with the field type as DatePicker.


Final create screen

How to use the Drop and break attribute:

  • Enter the name in the Name textbox.
  • Select the Drop and break option from the Field Type dropdown menu to add several options for the end user.


Field type dropdown menu

  • Enter your desired values in the Values textbox.

  • Add a comma or click an Enter button from your device to add a new value.

  • Delete an added value by clicking on the Cross button right beside the value or using Backspace/Delete.

  • You can also change the positions of added values by simply dragging them.

  • Double-click an attribute to edit.


Changing the positions of values


Changed positions and deleting an added value

  • Moreover, you can also select a default value using the Default value checkbox.


Set Default value

  • This value is visible to the end-user when creating a workflow instance. Visiting the platform does not show the default value.

  • The next step is to select a value from the dropdown menu.

  • Click on the Save button to add the attribute with the dropdown field type.


Final create screen

How to use the Dynamic attribute

Dynamic attributes are linked to expressions.
Like textboxes contain text, dynamic attributes include attributes and expressions.
Since the end-user cannot view an expression, dynamic attributes map expressions and other attributes that contain calculations. Such attributes can further be viewed and used by the end-user.

  • Enter the name in the Name field box.

  • Select the Dynamic option from the Field type to add vivid values to the textbox.


Field type dropdown menu

  • On the code editor, you can do customized calculations using the symbols present at the bottom.
  • Additionally, this option lets you add attributes and expressions to conduct calculations.


Preview section

  • Toggle the Switch to editor option to switch to the editor mode or vice-versa. This gives you a choice to either use a graphical user interface to define the dynamic attribute or switch back to text mode to do the same.


Code editor section

  • The Define Decimal Precision textbox can also be used to set the decimal precision validations.

  • Click on the Set Default value checkbox to set a default value to the dynamic field. Enter the value in the textbox that appears.

  • Furthermore, you can set a definite unit to your attribute using the Definite Unit of Attribute checkbox.

  • Select the unit from the Select Unit Type dropdown menu and enter a unit name in the unit name textbox. You can also choose if the unit is a Prefix or Suffix by selecting the respective radio button.


Selection - Unit Type

  • Click on the cross button in the top right of your added value in the preview section to delete it.


Deletion of an added value

  • Click on the Save button to save these changes.


Final create screen

How to use the File Upload attribute:

This option lets you upload a file to the platform and set a limit to the file size to be uploaded.

  • Enter the name in the Name textbox.
  • Click on the File Upload option from the Field Type dropdown menu.


File type dropdown menu

  • Click on any file format from the available options to add them. File formats available for selection are .jpeg, .png, .gif, .doc,.docx, .pdf, ,mp3,.wav, .mp4,.webm

  • Other file format extensions can also be added by using the Enter additional file formats textbox.


Adding custom File Format options

  • Enter your intended file format in the blank field.

Remember to put a . before entering any file format.

  • Add a comma or press enter button to save a file format.

  • If you want to delete all the added file formats, click on the Clear all button beside the textbox.


Removing all added file formats

  • In the Max File Size textbox, add the file size of the file you want to add.

You cannot add a file exceeding 20480 KB. If the file size is more, the system automatically resets the file size textbox to 20480 KB.


Max file size textbox

If a special character is added in the Max file size textfield, a validation message "File size is invalid" is seen below the textfield.


  • Click on the Save button to add the attribute with the file upload field type.


Final create screen

Upon selecting any file format, the relevant participant linked with the Business Workflow gets an option to upload the deisred dile format.


How to use the Multiselect dropdown attribute:

  • Enter the name in the Name field box.
  • Click on the Multi select dropdown option from the Field Type dropdown menu.


Field type dropdown menu

  • In the values textbox, enter the values that you want. Don't forget to add a comma or click the enter button from your device to add a new value.


Adding values

  • If you want to delete an added value, click on the Cross button beside it.

  • Hold and drag the added attribute values to change the display positions.

  • To edit an added attribute, double-click on it.

Unlike the dropdown box, the end-user can select multiple options from the multi-select dropdown box.
Additionally, the same selected sequence for the multi-select dropdown box will be reflected for the dropdown box if you open and see it.


Deleting an added value


Interchanging the positions of values

  • Click on the Set Default value checkbox to set a default value to the dropdown. Enter the value in the textbox that appears.

This default value will be visible to the end-user when creating a workflow instance.

  • Click on the Save button to add attribute with the multiselect dropdown field type.


Final create screen

How to use the Textarea attribute:

  • Add a name to this attribute in the Name field.
  • Select the Textarea option from the Field Type dropdown menu.


Field type dropdown menu

  • Click on the Set Default value checkbox to set a default value to the textarea. Enter the value in the textbox that appears.

This default value will be visible to the end-user when creating a workflow instance.

  • Click on the Save button to add attribute with the textarea field type.


Final create screen

How to use the Textbox attribute:

  • Add a name to this attribute in the Name field.
  • Select the Textbox option from the dropdown menu.


Field type dropdown menu

  • Post the textbox option selection and select validations by directly clicking on the available buttons.

You can select individual validations or in groups.
However, all validations cannot be selected together.


Select validations

  • If you want to set a default value to the textbox, click on the Set Default value checkbox. Enter your intended value in the textbox that appears.

This default value will be visible to the end-user when creating a workflow instance.

  • Click on the Save button to add attribute with the textbox field type.


Final create screen

Textbox and Textarea field types are two different options.
The textbox field type is particular to what the end-user can enter characters. It also limits the number of characters that the end-user can enter from 1 to 500.

On the other hand, textarea field type offers complete freedom to the end-user to enter alphabets, numbers, or even characters as needed.

Additionally, the textarea field type can accept newline characters while the textbox field type cannot.

Types of validations for Textbox field type:

a. Email

If you want the end-user to have email validations, select the Email validation button. After selecting this button, the platform ensures that an email with the proper format is accepted.

b. Character

Select the Character validation and then put in the minimum and maximum length for this validation.

The minimum character length is one, while the maximum input you can add is 500.
Typing any number greater than 500 automatically changes the textbox value to 500.

c. Numbers

You can set minimum and maximum character length using this validation upon selecting Numbers validation.
You can also set the validations for decimal precision using the Define Decimal Precision textbox specifically for field type numbers.

d. Special Characters

Upon selecting the Special Characters validation, you can add certain special characters that can be used while adding entries. This validation also offers a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 500 character limit.

If no special character is provided, all the symbols will be marked valid for entry.

You can select the Numbers and Characters validation buttons together wherever needed.
Numbers & Special Characters or Characters & Special Characters validations together can also be selected.
If needed, all the three validations can be selected together as well.

e. URL validation

Select the URL validation if you want to add a URL of a website to the platform.

How to use Set of Attributes:

As the name says, a set of attributes is a group of attributes and expressions that help the end-user add multiple entries simultaneously.
So, for example, if the end-user does not know the specific number of email Ids, contact numbers, or addresses for an attribute, they can use a Set of Attributes and add as many rows as needed.

  • Enter the Attribute Name in the Name field and select the Set of Attributes option from the Field Type dropdown menu.


Field type dropdown menu

  • This enables two new dropdown menus viz. Attributes Set and Expressions Set.


Attributes and Expressions Set

Attributes Set

  • Click on the arrow beside the Attributes Set to open it.


Attributes Set

You can add a combination of different field types under one attribute using the dropdown menu.

  • Add the attribute name in the Name field.

Attributes that are added can have names of attributes previously used.
Attributes can also have a name similar to the attributes other than SOA. However, the same name cannot be repeated under one SOA.

  • Select a Field type from the dropdown menu for this attribute.


Field type dropdown menu

  • You can select validations just like before for this attribute too.

  • Add more attributes simultaneously by clicking on the Add button.

  • Click on the Add button to add an attribute. This adds a Chip with the attribute name.


Creation of chip

  • In case you want to edit an added attribute, click on the pencil icon on the chip to edit it.

  • You can also delete a chip by clicking on the Bin icon beside it.


Deletion of chip

  • Click on the Clear button to wipe out all the added data fields.
  • Search for a particular attribute by entering its name in the Search bar. This function only shows a particular chip you searched for.


Search Bar

Expressions Set

  • Click on the arrow beside the Expressions Set. This section lets you add expressions and makes calculation easier.


Expressions Set

  • Add your name in the Name field.

  • Select the type of calculation you want to conduct from the type dropdown menu.


Calculation type dropdown menu

  • A new section appears after selection of any operation.


Expressions Set

  • This section lets you add values for calculation.

  • You can also add more values by clicking on the + button to add multiple values to conduct calculations across all functions.

  • Drag and drop your desired option in the value textboxes from Constant, Expression, or Attribute.

Constants are specific numbers in an expression. These terms remain constant throughout the calculations.
Expressions are pre-stored functions that can be used in multiple instances.

  • Click on the Add button to add an expression.
  • This adds a Chip with the expression name.


Chip addition

  • Click on the pencil icon on this chip to edit the particular expression.
  • You can also click on the bin icon to delete the chip.


Update and delete a chip

  • Search for a particular expression by entering its name in the Search bar. This function only shows a specific expression you searched.

  • Click on the Select Group Tag dropdown menu to add a group tag to the attribute.

Adding a group tag is not mandatory. However, it is highly recommended to add a group tag to help you segregate data better.


Select Group Tag dropdown menu

  • Click on the Save button to add this attribute with the field type as DatePicker.


Final create screen


What's Next
Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.