Shipment Business Workflows
  • 07 Mar 2024
  • 5 読む分
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Shipment Business Workflows

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Accessing MineTraceTM Platform

  1. Enter the URL on your web browser.

  2. Enter the registered email and password.

    Sign in window
  3. To view your entered password, click on the Eye icon at the right-hand side of the Password field.

  4. Click Sign in to access the platform.

Accessing the Shipment Workflows

  1. After login, the Dashboard is the default page.

    Dashboard View
  2. Click on the Business Workflows from the left navigation panel.

    Navigation Panel
  3. From the Business Workflows Page, click on the Shipment Workflow, and then the Shipment Instance Listing Page appears.

    Business Workflow Page
  4. On the Shipment Instance Listing Page, each row displayed corresponds to an individual shipment originating from the Silicon Metal Supplier and embarking on its journey towards the Customer (Corning).

    Note - All the Instances of the selected Business Workflow appear on this page.

    Shipment Instance Listing Page

Manage Columns

Enhancing the workflow instance listing table by adding appropriate columns will simplify the process of identifying and managing the specific shipment you wish to investigate or update.

  1. Navigate to the Shipment Instance Listing Page (Refer to the “Accessing the Shipment Workflows Section” for guidance), click on Columns button located at the top right corner. A sidebar appears on the right side of the screen.  

    Manage Columns - sidebar

    Note - The sidebar contains a list of all data fields used for creating that particular Business Workflow.

  2. Each data field has a checkbox on the left. Select on the checkboxes corresponding to the desired items to display them and then, Click on Save to add all selected columns.

    Data Field - Checkboxes
  3. The columns selected from this sidebar are visible on the platform.

    Columns - Shipment Instance Listing page

Search for a Shipment

  1. Navigate to the Shipment Instance Listing Page (Refer to the “Accessing the Shipment Workflows Section” for guidance), all shipments till date, including their associated details such as Evonik Sales Order Number..etc, will be visible.


    Shipment Instance Listing Page

  2. To locate a specific shipment linked to a particular Customer PO, click on the search field located below the column heading.


    Evonik Sales Order Number List

  3. Enter the relevant search term. For Example, enter the Evonik Sales Order Number - 1030P-20240118 to search for the associated shipment.

    Search option

Viewing Shipment Details

  1. Navigate to the Shipment Instance Listing Page (Refer to the “Accessing the Shipment Workflows Section” for guidance), click on View Details icon located under the Action column to view the Detail Page of selected shipment.

    View Detail icon
  2. The Shipment Details Page will be displayed.

    Detail Page

Creating a New Shipment

  1. Navigate to the Shipment Instance Listing Page (Refer to the “Accessing the Shipment Workflows Section” for guidance), click on "Create" button located at the top right corner.

    Create button
  2. A sidebar appears on the right side of the screen, containing the necessary fields for adding required information.

    Create sidebar
  3. After adding the necessary details, click on the "Create" button at the bottom of the sidebar to generate a new shipment instance on the platform.

    Create Button

    Note- This action retains the instance under the control of the current user (Silicon Metal Supplier) without advancing it to the next gate.

  1. If no further updates are needed, click on "Create and Send" button at the bottom of the sidebar to create a new shipment instance and send it to the next gate (Inbound Transport) with a single click.

    Note - Once the instance moves to the next gate, the current user loses the ability to make further updates.

Updating Details in an Existing Shipment

  1. Navigate to the View Details Page (Refer to the “Viewing Shipment Details Section” for guidance) of the desired shipment instance, which is still under the control of the current user.
    For Example, enter the Sale Order - 1030TEST-20241201_09 to search for the associated shipment.

    View Detail Page
  2. Click on the "Update" button located at the top right corner of the screen.

    Update Button
  3. The "Update" sidebar appears on the right side of the screen, allows to modify any field value as needed.
    As an example, we can change the Sustainability Check from Outstanding to Advanced.

    Update Sidebar

  4. Once all required changes are done, click on "Update" button at the bottom of the sidebar.
    This action retains the instance under the control of the current user without advancing it to the next gate.

  5. If no further updates are needed, click on "Update and Send" button at the bottom of the sidebar to update the existing shipment and send it to the next gate simultaneously.

Sending a Shipment Instance forward from the View Details Page

  1. Navigate to the View Details Page of the desired shipment (Refer to the “Viewing Shipment Details Section” for guidance).

  2. Click on the "Send" button located at the top right corner of the screen, once all the details are updated.

Send Button

Show/Hide the timeline

  1. Navigate to the View Details Page of the desired shipment (Refer to the “Viewing Shipment Details Section” for guidance).

  2. Click on the Show Timeline button at the top of the screen.


    Show Timeline

    Note - The complete timeline of the selected shipment will be displayed on the screen.



  3. To hide the timeline, click on the Hide Timeline button at the top of the screen.


    Hide Timeline

Terms and Definitions

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.