Carrier Delay Reason Codes
  • 25 Jul 2022
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Carrier Delay Reason Codes

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TRANSPORTATIONCARRIERADMINISTRATIVEMissing ownership of the tractor or trailer I.E., missing paperwork, expired safety, lost or expired plates
DRIVER ERRORDue to driver error I.E., picked up wrong trailer, driver misread load tender
DRIVER PLANNINGDue to a dispatch driver scheduling/planning error
EQUIPMENT CAPACITYDue to the carrier not having enough capacity (equipment) to execute the loads assigned
INTERNAL - TRAILERMissing or Damaged Bulkheads/division walls, Load bars/Straps for carrier trailers
LATE PICKUPDue to late pickup from DC
LATE TRAINDelay in arrival & departure of train
MECHANICAL-TRACTORMechanical failure involving carrier tractor
MECHANICAL-TRAILERMechanical failure involving carrier trailer, bad car (container with mechanical issue)
REFRIGERATION UNITMechanical failure involving carrier reefer
YARD CONGESTIONDelay caused by backlog of units, yard crane repairs/breakdown
ASSETINTERNAL - TRAILERMissing or Damaged Bulkheads/division walls, Load bars/Straps for a Walmart Trailer
MECHANICAL-TRAILERMechanical failure involving Walmart Trailers
REFRIGERATION UNITMechanical failure of Walmart Reefers
SHUNT/EMPTYShunt issue at DC or no empties
TRAFFIC/ADMINADMINISTRATIONTendering - BOL/DC Paperwork errors/Delays at the DC Traffic Office
ROUTINGFor system routing issues involving peddle runs/shortrec system. Delivery time does not allow the minimum transit/offloading time required from prior stop to make OT delivery
SNOW REMOVALDelays caused by lack of snow removal from the top of trailers
PLANNING/VOLUMEUsed for Delays caused by Labour Planning - Freight Volume//Late Release
PRE-COOLINGUsed when pre-cooling issues or refrigerated trucks not holding temperature at the DC.
SHUNTUsed for Delays caused by shunt opportunity at sites
STORERESOURCESBACKROOM CAPACITYNo space available in backroom at time of delivery
BAY DOORS UNAVAILABLENo receiving door available at time of delivery, excess snow
DELIVERY OVERLAP - COLLISIONCode to be updated by LSS Mgmt. based on outcome when doing research on Prior Store Delay
HOLIDAY REFUSALRefusal due to no Staffing or Store Closed, not equipped to handle freight, unplanned delivery
REFUSALRefusal due to lack of space, not equipped to handle freight, unplanned delivery
SHUNT/EMPTYCurrent driver requested to move/shunt equipment
STAFFINGCurrent store delay due to staffing, breaks, lunches, shift change - 1ST STOP
PRIOR STOREOFFLOADINGExcessive unloading time at the store.
STAFFINGBreaks, lunch, lack of staff
TEMP INTEGRITYDelayed at prior store due to MP/FDD temp integrity issue
LSSLSSTendering and trailers delays caused by LSS
WEATHER & ROADWEATHER CONDITIONSLONG TERM DELAYRoad closure of greater than or equal to 24 hours.
SHORT TERM DELAYRoad delay of less than 24 hours
ACCIDENTINBOUNDTractor/Trailer involved in an accident on route to DC
OUTBOUNDTractor/Trailer involved in an accident on route to Store
EN ROUTECONSTRUCTIONDelay caused by Construction, roadwork, etc.
FERRY CAPACITYVessel doesn’t have room after booking
RAILRail delays due to derailment, deramping, bad order rail cars
TRAFFICDelays caused by route congestion, accident (driver not involved)
VESSEL DELAYVessel, Ferry/Barge delays going to Vancouver or Newfoundland, issues include Dangerous Goods, missed crossings, bumped crossings, etc.


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