Business Workflows
  • 30 Nov 2022
  • 1 読む分
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Business Workflows

  • PDF

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The Business Workflows contains additional information about your deliveries.

  1. Click on the Business Workflows option in the Navigation Panel on the screen.

  2. The Business Workflows page contains all the Business Workflows assigned to you.

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Business Workflows

  1. Select the required Business Workflow (Direct Store Deliveries).

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Business Workflow – DSD

  1. The Delivery Listing page loads on the screen upon selecting the Business Workflow. It displays the list of all the scheduled deliveries.

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Direct Store Deliveries - Delivery Listing page

How to approve a Blackout

  1. To approve a Blackout, click on the Business Workflows option in the Navigation Panel on the left of the screen. Select the required Business Workflow (Blackout Initiator).

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Business Workflows

  1. The Blackout Initiator workflow page loads on the screen. Now, click on the Accept instance icon on the right side of the screen to approve a blackout.

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Blackout Initiator Workflows page

  1. Next, once the blackout is approved it is displayed on dashboard for that specific store.

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Blackout - Dashboard page

Filters on columns to create reports

  1. Click on Export dropdown box in the top right corner.
  2. From the dropdown, you can export Current columns or All columns by selecting the respective options.
  3. An excel file is sent to user's registered Email ID.

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Blackout Initiator Workflow – Export

  1. Similarly, click on Columns at the top right corner. A sidebar appears on the right side of the screen.

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Blackout Initiator Workflow – Columns

  1. The sidebar contains a list of all attributes used for creating that particular Business Workflow.

  2. Each data field has a checkbox on the left. Select the required columns that you want to display by clicking on their respective checkboxes.

  3. The columns selected from this sidebar are visible on the platform.

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Blackout Initiator Workflow - Manage Columns Sidebar

  1. Click on Save to successfully add all selected columns.

The filter option lets you apply certain filters and view only certain records on the screen.

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Manage Columns fields - Save


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