Accept Invitation
- 25 May 2022
- 1 読む分
- 印刷する
- 闇光
Accept Invitation
- 更新日 25 May 2022
- 1 読む分
- 印刷する
- 闇光
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- Sign in to the DL Unify Portal.
Sign in page
- Select the Element DB tile from the DL Unify Dashboard and enter the Element Secret.
Element Secret popup
- Manage Databases is the default page upon sign-in.
Manage Databases Page
- Click on the Invitations Page.
Invitations page
- In the Received section, all the invitations sent by other organizations can be viewed.
Received section
- The admin user has an option to search for invitations (under the database column) in the Received section.
Search invitation
- Click on the Invitation request to be opened.
Invitation request
- A pop-up appears with the following details.
Invited by
Invited organization
Received on date
Database Status (Pending/Accepted/Rejected)
Last Modified Date.
Accept invitation pop-up
- Click on the Accept button to accept the invitation, and the Reject button to decline the invitation.
Accept and Reject button
The response can be modified until the host organization accepts the invitation.