Shipment Details Page
  • 23 May 2022
  • 1 読む分
  • PDF

Shipment Details Page

  • PDF

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From the Business Workflow Instances list, click on the Show Details button for the instance to view complete details for the same.


View Details button

This further opens the detailed view page for that instance.

Action buttons on details page

  1. The details page contains all the attributes and values of those attributes grouped according to relevance.

  2. Download the attached documents related to the instance on the instance details page.


Copy button

  1. Copy attribute data on each row or the entire section using the Copy buttons.


Copy data from entire table

  1. Copy entire section of data using a table Copy button.

  2. You can view any files that are uploaded on the instance by clicking on the Eye icon beside the file name.


View uploaded files

  1. Upon clicking the Eye icon, a separate file tab appears beside the Activities & Comments tab. The file tab reads the type of uploaded file, e.g. pdf or doc and the user can also preview the contents of the file.


File tab and preview

  1. Click the Pop-out symbol to open a new browser tab with an expanded view of the file.

  2. Use the navigation tools to view multi-page documents and use the zoom in and zoom out features.

  3. Finally, in the top right corner, select the Download button to save the file in the local device.

Activities and Comments

  1. Access the Activities & Comments tab from the top section as shown in the illustration.


Activities and Comments tab

  1. The Activities and Comment history section have segregated display tabs.


Activities and Comments history section

  1. Specific tabs showcase the activities or comments which have occurred for the instance during the lifecycle of the workflow.

  2. Add comments in the Comment section. The comments are displayed in the main Activities and Comments section.


Add Comments section

  1. Search a specific keyword in the Activities and Comments section using the generic Search option.


Search option for Activities and Comments


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