- 23 Oct 2024
- 4 Minutes à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
Widget Configuration
- Mis à jour le 23 Oct 2024
- 4 Minutes à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
Configuring Widgets
The widgets on the dashboard display key information and stats based on the inputs provided. For each added widget, below mentioned things can be configured:
● Workflow – This feature allows to select the business workflow that the widget reports on.
● Attribute(s) – Widgets enable the generation of periodic reports on one or more shipping attributes.
● Period – allows selecting the time to display. The system default is seven days; however, this can be configured to display data from the past three days, seven days, one month, six months, or one year.
● Refresh Frequency – Set a frequency with which the widget refreshes. The system default is 15 minutes; however, set the refresh rate every 5, 10, 15, 30, or 60 minutes.
Out of the 6 types of widgets, Workflow Status, Instance Created & Dispute Status don't have the option to select shipping Attribute(s), whereas Assigned to Me, Chart Filter, Workflow Status and Recent Activities don't have the option to select Period.
Let's check out how to configure various widgets on the platform.
Chart Filter Widget
- Click on the Add Widget button located at the center of the Dashboard page or the +Widget button located at the top right section.
- A Add widget sidebar pops up containing all the six widget types.
Select and add the type of widget
- Next, click on the + icon before the name CHART FILTER to add a Chart Filter widget.
- This adds a new Chart Filter widget to the Dashboard.
- Select the Business Workflow from the drop-down list to assign a business workflow to the widget. The widget displays data from the selected business workflow.
- Also, select attributes from the Attribute list.
- Set the Refresh frequency as needed from the field located at the top right corner of the widget box.
- Click on the Save button to save the widget.
Configure data fields of the Chart Filter widget
Workflow Status widget
- Click on the Add Widget button located at the center of the Dashboard page or the +Widget button located at the top right section.
- An Add widget window pops up containing all the six widget types.
- Next, click on the + icon before the name WORKFLOW STATUS to add a Workflow Status widget.
- This adds a new Workflow Status widget to the Dashboard.
- Select the Business Workflow from the drop-down list to assign a business workflow to the widget. The widget displays data from the selected business workflow.
- Set the Refresh frequency as needed.
- Click on the Save button to save the widget.
Configure data for the Workflow Status widget
Dispute Status widget
- Click on the Add Widget button located at the center of the Dashboard page or the +Widget button located at the top right section.
- An Add widget window pops up containing all the six widget types.
- Next, click on the + icon before the name DISPUTE STATUS to add a Dispute Status widget.
- This adds a new Dispute Status widget to the Dashboard.
- Select the Business Workflow from the drop-down list to assign a business workflow to the widget. The widget displays data from the selected business workflow.
- To set the Period, click on the period (three days, seven days, thirty days, six months, or one year)displayed at the chart's top to set the number of days.
- Set the Refresh frequency as needed.
- Click on the Save button to save this widget.
Configure data for the Dispute Status widget
Instance Created widget
- Click on the Add Widget button located at the center of the Dashboard page or the +Widget button located at the top right section.
- An Add widget window pops up containing all the six widget types.
- Next, click on the + icon before the name INSTANCE CREATED to add an Instance Created widget.
- This adds a new Instance Created widget to the Dashboard.
- Select the Business Workflow from the drop-down list to assign a business workflow to the widget. The widget displays data from the selected business workflow.
- Also, set the Period and Refresh frequency.
- Click on the Save button to save the widget.
Configure data fields of the Chart Filter widget
Similarly, other widgets can also be added & configured. Pay attention to the data fields in each widget while adding it & configure the fields carefully to suit the case in hand.
Edit Existing Widgets
Let's learn how to edit different types of existing widgets.
Renaming a widget
- Click on the Dashboard page in the Navigation Panel to view the Dashboard.
- Double-click on the name of the widget to rename it. A typable Name field appears.
- Now, type in the name you want for that particular widget and click twice outside the Name field. The renames widget.
Renaming a particular widget
Modifying the period of a widget:
To set the Period of a widget, click on the period (three days, seven days, 30 days, six months, or one year) displayed at the chart's top to set the number of days as needed.
Editing the Period of a widget
Adding another attribute:
- Click on the Attribute field.
- This opens a drop-down list below the field.
- Select the checkboxes of the attributes to add them.
- This adds the selected attribute(s) to the widget.
Select the required attribute