Understanding Self-Serve Portal
  • 19 Jul 2022
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Understanding Self-Serve Portal

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Résumé de l’article

Dashboard Page

Let's explore the Dashboard page on the platform.

The Dashboard page is the default screen upon login. It displays all the configured widgets. You can add and manage widgets on the Dashboard.

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Upon logging in, the Dashboard page is the default screen.
  3. If you are on some other page of the platform, click on Dashboard in the Navigation Panel on the left to get back to the Dashboard page. 

Dashboard View

Using the Navigation Panel on the platform is simple. You can try out the following steps for easy navigation.

Navigation Panel

The Navigation Panel on the left-hand side of the screen contains three tabs as follows - Dashboard, Workflows, and Master Table.

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. On the left hand side of the screen is the Navigation Panel.
  3. The Navigation Panel has links to three pages on it.
  4. The details about the pages are covered in the sections below.

Navigation Panel

Document 360 Widget

Document Hub is the one stop guide for all queries and doubts regarding any platform of the DLT Labs. From DL Frieght to DL Asset Track Operator, solution guides are provided for each platform. The document hub can be directly accessed from any platform using the Document 360 widget.

  • After logging in, click on the bulb-like icon in the bottom right of the screen.


Document Hub widget

  • Upon clicking the bulb-like icon, a PAGE HELP window opens on the right.

  • Contact the support team from the PAGE HELP option, Click on the Contact Us option to speak with the support team directly.


Page Help option

  • Next, click on the Knowledge Base option beside PAGE HELP to navigate to the document hub.


Knowledge Base

  • All guides for DLT platform are provided in the Knowledge Base.


Knowledge Base

  • Click on the intended page and view any information needed regarding the platform.


Knowledge Base

  • Additionally, upon selecting a page, click on the open article option in the top right corner to view that particular article on the Document Hub.


Opened article in the Document Hub

  • Llikewise, click on the expand option to view the page in a holistic manner but on the platform itself.


Expanded view

Chat support window

Upon logging in, a chat support window pops-up that works as an assistant tool for the operator user.

  • If the window is not seen, click on the Online button on the right side of the screen.

  • Enter the necessary details like Name, Email ID and reason in the window screen that opens.


Entering account holder details

  • This further allocates an agent from the company who assists in resolving all queries of the operator user.


Allocated agent

  • Click on the attachment option below to send an attachment to the agent. Likewise, various communication options other than chat like Voice call, Video call and Screen share are also provided.


Attachment and other options

  • The chat screen also has a menu dropdown that includes various options that an operator can use.


Menu dropdown option

Business Workflows Page

The Business Workflows page lists all the Business Workflows assigned to you. Also, the count of important prebuilt values are displayed.

Business Workflows page

Interactive Navigation Panel

Easily navigate various Business Workflows and separate instances using the Interactive Navigation Panel.

  1. The Business Workflows page has an arrow that opens the Interactive Navigation Panel on the left-hand side.


Accessing the Interactive Navigation Panel

Interactive Navigation Panel

The panel has an infinite scroll that helps manage large volumes of data.


Instance list view on the Interactive Navigation Panel

  1. Select the Business Workflow to view a list of the accessible instances.

  2. Here, view details of the instance by clicking the instance name on the Interactive Navigation Panel.

  3. Also, search for a specific Instance_id using the Search
    option in the Interactive Navigation Panel.


Searching a Load on the Interactive Navigation Panel

  1. Interactive navigation panel also refreshes the instances as per the Searched records on the instance listing page.

  2. Click on the arrow beside the Business Workflows tab from the Interactive Navigation Panel.

  3. Locate your Business Workflow from the list that appears and open it.


Business Workflows listing page

  1. This lists all instances under the Business Workflow in the Interactive Navigation Panel.

  2. Moving ahead, click on any customized filter from the Instance listing page.

  3. This displays all filtered records on the Instance Listing page and simultaneously, only those records are viewed under the Interactive Navigation Panel as well.


Instance listing page

  1. Click on any other filter apart from selected filter and view the changed instance list in the interactive navigation panel as well.


Changed instance list

Resizing of the columns

  1. The platform offers a feature to resize the columns on the instance details section of an instance.

Resizing columns feature

  1. Simply drag and change the size of a particular column as per your need.


Resized columns

The platform will save all the changes that you made to these columns due to which you can see them when you login again.

Listing Page

  1. Click on a Business Workflows tile to view all the instances that are a part of it.
  2. Upon clicking a Business Workflows, you are redirected to the Instance Listing page.
  3. The Instance Listing page contains a list of all the instances present in the Business Workflow that you selected.

Instance Listing page

Detail View Page

The Detail View Page contains elaborate information about an instance. All the process-related attributes and respective data can be found on this page. Additionally, you can perform instance related operations on this page.

  1. Click on a Business Workflow tile from the Business Workflows page.
  2. Find the required instance on the Instance Listing page.


View Details button or page-like icon

  1. Click on the page-like icon present under the Actions column to view details of the load.
  2. The page-like icon is also referred to as View Details action button.
Actions Column

The Actions column is the right most column on the Instance Listing page. As the name suggests, it contains several icons that can be used to perform instance related actions from the Instance Listing page.


Details page of an Instance

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