- 10 Apr 2023
- 1 Minute à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
Rebate Credit Note
- Mis à jour le 10 Apr 2023
- 1 Minute à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
Rebate Credit Note Workflow
With all the shipment deliveries done by carrier over a month, DL Freight eCommerce platform calculates and prepare a rebate credit note which gets generated in Rebate Credit Note Workflow, and a carrier received an automated email stating that a rebate credit note has been generated for a particular month. Carrier then login to the eCommerce platform, reviews the details and if not satisfied with the information, then raises a Dispute else clicks on Send for further processing on payment to Retailer SAP system.
- Login to the DL Freight eCommerce participant account.
- Click on the Business workflows at the left Navigation Panel.
- Next, click on the required Rebate Credit Note workflow.
Rebate Credit Note workflow
- View the list of Rebate credit note instances on the instance listing page.
Rebate Credit Note workflow
Select the required Instance and click on the View details icon to view the details of a specific instance.
View the details of Rebate Information, Biller Information, Carrier details, Invoice details, and Credit notes.
Rebate Credit Note workflow – Instance details
Here carrier has all the rights to dispute this rebate credit note if he/she doesn’t agree with the provided details.
Dispute rebate credit note
The dispute to the rebate credit note is raised by the carrier when, he/she finds any mismatched information is calculated in the Rebate Credit Note workflow details.
To raise the dispute to the rebate credit note:
- Click on Dispute to raise a dispute on the specific credit note workflow instance details page.
Rebate Credit Note – Dispute
- A dispute sidebar appears, fill in the relevant details in the Dispute sidebar.
- Enter the comment in the Dispute details box.
Rebate Credit Note – Raise Dispute
Now Dispute to the rebate credit note is raised and sent to the Retailer Auditor for validation purposes.
- Next, Retailer auditor reviews and discusses with the carrier to update the total amount and sends back to the carrier.
- Next, all the cleared rebate credit notes are moved by eCommerce system to the Retailer SAP system for further processing.