Rate Management - Bid Manager
  • 30 Aug 2022
  • 9 Minutes à lire
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Rate Management - Bid Manager

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Résumé de l’article

The Rate Management process allows a WMC Bid Manager user to create Lane Rate Bids for one or more carriers to obtain lane rates, to be used in their invoices, based on various modalities (TL/LTL/IM) and other relevant parameters.

View Existing Lane Rate Bid

  1. Log in to the DL Freight account with registered email address and password to access the application.

  2. Click on the Business Workflows page from the Navigation Panel on the left-hand side of the screen.

The Business Workflows allow a WMC Bid Manager to initiate bid(s) on existing lanes and send the bid(s) to one or more carriers.

  1. Select the Rate Management Business Workflow.


Business Workflows – Rate Management

  1. Upon selecting the Rate Management Business Workflow, the workflow instance listing page appears. It displays the list of all the lane Rate Bid(s) that have been previously created.


Rate Management - Workflow Instance listing page

The Rate Management Business Workflow is only visible to WMC Bid Manager, and not to the Carriers.

Create a Lane Rate Bid

  1. Click on the + Create button on the top right of the screen to create a new bid.


Rate Management - Create Bid

  1. Upon clicking the + Create button, a Create sidebar appears from the right side of the screen.


Lane Rate Bid - Create Sidebar

  1. Enter the Lane Details in the respective fields:

    • Origin Location ID

    • Destination Location ID

  2. Click on the Save button on the bottom right of the screen.


Lane Rate Bid - Create Sidebar

  1. If the Lane Rate Bid is successfully created, a notification will appear at the bottom left of your screen Workflow Initiated Successfully.

  2. The created Lane Rate Bid will show at the top of the list.


Rate Management – New Lane Rate Bid created successfully

If a fail notification appears, repeat the steps to Create the Lane Rate Bid.

View and Send the Lane Rate Bid

  1. On the Rate Management Workflow listing page, select the record for the bid created.
  2. Click the View Details icon under the Action column on the right side of the screen to view the created bid.

All the records with a pen and an arrow icon can be edited. If the arrow icon is missing, the bid has already been initiated and cannot be modified.


Rate Management Workflow listing – View Detail

  1. Upon clicking the View Details icon, a new screen appears listing all the lane details.


Instance Detail Listing Page – Lane Details

The system will fetch all the lane details from the master tables. The data will not be auto-populated if the master tables don’t contain the required details.

  1. After verifying the Lane details, click on the Send button at the top right of the screen to get the Transit details for this Lane.


Instance Detail Listing Page – Send Lane Details

In order to complete a Lane Rate Bid, the system must obtain the Transit details for the selected Lane on which the WMC Bid Manager wants carriers to submit bids.

Transit Details

Getting Transit Details

  1. Upon clicking the Send button, the Bid Management section is added to the instance detail listing page.


Instance Detail Listing Page – Bid Management

  1. Click the View Table link to see the Transit details available for the selected lane.

  2. The SCAC column will appear empty, indicating that no bids have been submitted for any of these transits.

  3. Create a Bid based on the Transit details available.


Transit details – SCAC Column

Selecting a Transit

  1. Select the Transit(s) to bid by clicking on the Update button on the top right of the screen


Transit Details - Update

  1. An Update sidebar appears from the right side of the screen.
  2. Click on the SOA_Transit_id drop-down list to display the various Transits available for this lane.


Transit details - Update sidebar

  1. Upon clicking the SOA_Transit_id drop-down list, the Transit details such as Mode, Class, and Service Level are displayed.

Each Transit has a corresponding Transit ID.


Transit Details - Update sidebar

  1. Click on the SCAC drop-down list to select the carrier(s) for the transit. The bid will be created for the selected list of carrier(s).


Transit Details – Update Sidebar, SCAC option

Incase of TL Bids

  1. Select the Mode as TL.

  2. Two new field options will be shown Type and Equipment.

  3. Click on the Type drop-down list to select either Ambient or Reefer, or both.


Transit Details – Update Sidebar, Mode, TL

  1. Next, click on the Equipment drop-down list to select the equipment(s) to add to the bid.


Transit Details – Update Sidebar, Mode, TL

Incase of LTL bids

  1. For Mode as LTL, select a carrier(s) from the SCAC drop-down list to add to the bid.


Transit Details – Update Sidebar, Mode, LTL

  1. Upon filling all the relevant fields, click on the Update button to update the details.


Transit Details – Update Sidebar

  1. If the bid is successfully updated, a notification will appear at the bottom left of the screen Asset details updated successfully.

Selected Carriers will be listed in the SCAC column for the respective Transit IDs.


Transit Details - SCAC Column

If you see a failed notification follow the above steps to update the Transit Bid again.

Send the Lane Rate Bid

To submit the created bids to the respective carriers:

  1. Click on the Send button at the top right of the screen.
  2. This action will create a separate bid (per Transit) for the Carrier(s) within the Carrier Rate workflow.


Rate Management - Send Bid

View or download the Quick Reference Guide for Create Carrier Bid

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Verify the Sent Lane Rate Bid

  1. Click on the Business Workflows page from the Navigation Panel on the left-hand side of the screen.

  2. Select the Carrier Rate Business Workflow.

  3. Upon selecting the Carrier Rate Business Workflow, the workflow instance listing page appears on the screen. It displays the list of all the Lane Rate Bid(s) sent to the Carrier(s).

WMC Bid Manager can see all the bid records in the Carrier Rate workflow.

The Carrier(s) can only see their individual records.


Business Workflows - Carrier Rate, Instance Listing Page

Receiving Bids from Carriers

  1. Click on the Business Workflows page from the Navigation Panel on the left-hand side of the screen.

  2. Select the Carrier Rate Business Workflow.

  3. Click on the Carrier Rate workflow to view the carrier-submitted bids.


Business Workflows – Carrier Rate

  1. An Accept or Reject icon will be displayed next to any new bids.

Before clicking the Accept or Reject button, it is highly recommended that you review the carrier(s) bid.


Carrier Rate Listing Page – Accept/Reject

Review the carrier bid

  1. Click on the View Details icon to view the details of the received bid.


Carrier Rate Listing Page – View Details

  1. Upon clicking the View Details icon, the Instance Detail listing page appears.

  2. Click on the VIEW TABLE link to view the rate details that the Carrier has submitted.


Instance Detail Listing Page – View Table

  1. The Table view displays the details of the Carrier’s rate bid(s). Additionally, you can see the Carrier’s previous rate (if available).


Instance Detail Listing Page – Table view

View the Carrier comments

  1. Click on the Activities & Comments section, to view the Carrier comments.

  2. A WMC Bid Manager can also leave a comment in the comment box.

  3. Click on the Submit button to submit the comment.

  4. If the comment is successfully added, a notification will appear at the bottom left of the screen Comment is added successfully.

Do not include the following special characters in the comments: "&", "", "<", ">".

If you see a failed notification follow the above steps to add a comment again.


Instance Detail Listing Page – Activities & Comments

Accept/Reject bid

  1. On the Instance Detail listing, click on the Accept or Reject button to accept or reject the bids.

After clicking the Reject button, the bid returns to the carrier. A comment can be posted under the Activities & Comments section for the carrier to read and decide whether to submit their bid again.


Instance Detail Listing Page – Accept/Reject

  1. Upon clicking the Accept button, the Status of the bid changes to Accepted.


Instance Detail Listing Page – Status Accepted

Carrier Assignment Details

If the Carrier Assignment exists (the Carrier previously had a rate for this Lane/Transit), then the Carrier Assignment details will populate.


Carrier Assignment - Auto Populate

If the Carrier Assignment details do not populate automatically, then follow the steps below to update the Carrier Assignment details.

  1. To complete the Linehaul Rate process, first obtain the Carrier Assignment information from Stride, then enter it into the Carrier Assignment section.

  2. Click on the Update button on the top right of the screen to update the carrier assignment details.


Instance Detail Listing Page – Update

  1. Upon clicking the Update button, a new screen appears, select an Effective and Expiry date in the respective fields, and click on the Update button to update Carrier Assignment details.

The values in the Carrier Assignment section must come from Stride. The values cannot be made up or assigned randomly.


Carrier Assignment – Update Sidebar

  1. Click the Send button to submit the rate entry.


Instance Detail Listing Page – Carrier Assignment Send

View or download the Quick Reference Guide for Receiving Bids from Carriers

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Accepting/Rejecting the Spot bid

  1. Click on the Business Workflows option in the Navigation Panel.

  2. The Business Workflows page contains all the Business Workflows assigned to the user.


Business Workflows

  1. Choose the required Business Workflow.


Business Workflows – Carrier Rate

  1. Select the spot rate bid that was sent by the carrier from the list.

  2. An Accept or Reject icon will be displayed next to any new spot rate bids.

It is strongly recommended to review the carriers' spot rate bid before clicking the Accept or Reject button.


Workflow Instance Listing Page – Accept/Reject

  1. Click on the View Details button to view the details of the received spot rate bid.


Workflow Detail Listing Page – View Details

  1. After reviewing all the details, click on the Accept or Reject button on the top right side of the screen to accept or reject a spot rate bid.

WMC Bid Manager - Spot Rate_002 - Accept or reject (highlighted)

Workflow Detail Listing Page – Accept/Reject

View or download the Quick Reference Guide for Accepting and Rejecting the Spot Rate Bid

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Accepting a Spot Rate

  1. Click on the Accept button on the top of the screen to accept the spot rate bid.

WMC Bid Manager - Spot Rate_001 - Accept or reject

Workflow Detail Listing Page – Accept

  1. Once the rate is accepted, click on the Send button to send the approved Spot rate back to the carrier’s invoice.

WMC Bid Manager - Spot Rate_006 - Accepted (send)

Workflow Detail Listing Page – Send

Rejecting a Spot Rate

  1. Similarly, click on the Reject button to reject a spot rate bid.

WMC Bid Manager - Spot Rate_003 - Reject (highlighted)

Workflow Detail Listing Page –Reject

  1. Upon clicking the Reject button, a reject sidebar appears from the right side of the screen.

  2. Enter the Reason for rejection in the comment box and click on the Confirm button to reject a spot bid.

WMC Bid Manager - Spot Rate_004 - Reject (popout)

Reject Sidebar - Confirm

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