Orders Business Workflow
- 24 May 2022
- 1 Minute à lire
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- SombreLumière
Orders Business Workflow
- Mis à jour le 24 May 2022
- 1 Minute à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
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The Orders Business Workflow is a process that tracks and aggregates the delivery orders for a specific delivery partner. The Orders Business Workflow has no manual intervention, which means that users from the WMC team are not required to add or update any information in the workflow sequence.
The Orders Business Workflow consists of three steps:
- Walmart's inbound data
- Smart calculations via automation
- LMD Team
Orders Business Workflow for LMD Only Model
Orders Business Workflow Process
- First, order-specific information is pulled from Walmart's inbound data. The Orders Business Workflow initiates when DL LastMile captures delivery data for a delivery partner.
- Next, DL LastMile performs automated smart calculations and calculates order details, including volume, date, or time. The distance between the store and the customer's delivery location is measured using Google API. Order related data is generated using DL LastMile's Smart Calculations feature.
- Finally, the aggregated data is verified, and multiple orders are accumulated to form a single invoice.
The period of accumulation and calculations is done based on WMC's configured business logic.
- The last step triggers the invoice generation which is then sent to the following business workflow. The invoice business workflow is responsible for the management and approval of invoices generated by the accumulation of delivery orders.
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