Master Table
  • 30 Nov 2022
  • 5 Minutes à lire
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Master Table

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Accessing Master Table

Dome Admin Team can view Store information workflow and the Vendor Schedule details. The Master Tables are managed and maintained by the Platform Administrator to support the application's business process.

  1. Click on the Master Table option in the Navigation Panel on the screen.

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Master Table option

  1. On the Master Table page, you can view the information of various master tables like:
    a. Vendor Schedule
    b. Adhoc Vendor Schedule
    c. Store Information
    d. DSD workflows
    e. Calendar Week Number
    f. Vendor Mailing List
    g. Store Mailing List
    h. RDC Delivery Schedule
    i. DC Return Schedule
    j. DC Schedules
    k. DC Average Arrival Time
    l. DC Schedule Change

Dome Admin Team - Master Table-02.jpg

Master Tables

Vendor Schedule

Dome Admin can upload regular delivery schedules for optimization using the Vendor Schedule Master Table.

  1. Click on the eye icon to view the Vendor Schedule master table. The eye icon is listed under the Actions column.

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Master Table - Vendor Schedule

  1. The Vendor Schedule master table displays details such as Vendor Number, Store ID, Province, Commodity, Products, Distributed by, etc.

Vendor Schedule.jpg

Vendor Schedule - Column details

Adhoc Vendor Schedule

Dome admin can check the adhoc delivery requests made by vendors in this master table. Vendors can upload details for Adhoc requests beyond 24 hours and within 28 days using the Adhoc Vendor Schedule Master Table.

  1. Click on the eye icon to view the Adhoc Vendor Schedule master table. The eye icon is listed under the Actions column.

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Master Table - Adhoc Vendor Schedule

  1. The Adhoc Vendor Schedule master table displays details such as Vendor Number, Store ID, Province, Commodity, Products, Distributed by, etc.


Adhoc Vendor Schedule - Column details

Schedule Change

Dome admin can check the schedule change requests made by vendors in this master table. A vendor can update an already optimized schedule using the Schedule Change Master Table.

  1. Click on the eye icon to view the Schedule Change master table. The eye icon is listed under the Actions column.

Schedule change 1.jpg

Master Table - Schedule Change

  1. The Schedule Change master table displays details such as Vendor Number, Store ID, Province, Commodity, Products, Distributed by, etc.

Schedule change 2.jpg

Schedule Change - Column details

Store Information

  1. Click on the eye icon to view the Store Information master table. The eye icon is listed under the Actions column.

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Master Table - Store Information

  1. The Store Information master table displays details such as Store ID, Store Name, Store Region, Store Province, Store Address, etc.

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Store Information - Column details

DSD Workflows

The DSD Workflow Master Table is managed by Platform Administrator to support the business process.

  1. Click on the eye icon to view the DSD Workflows master table. The eye icon is listed under the Actions column.

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Master Table - DSD Workflows

  1. The DSD Workflows master table displays details such as Vendor Number, Store ID, Province, Commodity, Products, Distributed by, etc.

DSD workflow.jpg

DSD Workflows - Column details

Calendar Week Number

The Calendar Week Number Master Table provides details related to Walmart Week i.e., week number, start date, and end date for the week.

  1. Click on the eye icon to view the Calendar Week Number master table. The eye icon is listed under the Actions column.

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Master Table - Calendar Week Number

  1. The Calendar Week Number master table displays details such as Start Date, End Date, Week Number, Month, etc.

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Calendar Week Number - Column details

Vendor Mailing list

The Vendor Mailing List Master Table provides email list of vendors.

  1. Click on the eye icon to view the Vendor Mailing List master table. The eye icon is listed under the Actions column.

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Master Table - Vendor Mailing List

  1. The Vendor Mailing List master table displays details such as Vendor Number, Vendor Email Address and Last Updated At.

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Vendor Mailing List - Column details

Store Mailing list

The Store Mailing list Master Table provides email list of stores.

  1. Click on the eye icon to view the Store Mailing list master table. The eye icon is listed under the Actions column.

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Master Table - Store Mailing List

  1. The Store Mailing List master table displays details such as Store ID, Store Email Address and Last Updated At.

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Store Mailing List - Column details

Store Capacity

This master table provides Bay door and receiver information related to stores

  1. Click on the eye icon to view the Store Capacity master table. The eye icon is listed under the Actions column.

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Master Table - Store Capacity

  1. The Store Capacity master table displays details such as Store ID, Receiver, Baydoor, etc.

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Store Capacity - Column details

Vendor Volume

This master table provides sales segment and cases related details for vendors.

  1. Click on the eye icon to view the Vendor Volume master table. The eye icon is listed under the Actions column.

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Master Table - Vendor Volume

  1. The Vendor Volume master table displays details such as Vendor Number, Vendor Name, etc.

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Vendor Volume - Column details

RDC Delivery Schedule

This master table is for uploading and viewing RDC schedule against stores.

  1. Click on the eye icon to view the RDC Delivery Schedule master table. The eye icon is listed under the Actions column.

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Master Table - RDC Delivery Schedule

  1. The RDC Delivery Schedule master table displays details such as Store ID, Commodity, etc.

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RDC Delivery Schedule - Column details

DC Return Schedule

This master table is for uploading and viewing return days details against a store.

  1. Click on the eye icon to view the DC Return Schedule master table. The eye icon is listed under the Actions column.

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Master Table - DC Return Schedule

  1. The DC Return Schedule master table displays details such as Store ID, Return Day, etc.

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DC Return Schedule - Column details

DC Schedules

This master table is for uploading and viewing DC delivery schedules.

  1. Click on the eye icon to view the DC Schedules master table. The eye icon is listed under the Actions column.

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Master Table - DC Schedules

  1. The DC Schedules master table displays details such as Store ID, Format, DCS, etc.

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DC Schedules - Column details

DC Average Arrival Time

This master table is for uploading and viewing DC average arrival time for DC deliveries.

  1. Click on the eye icon to view the DC Average Arrival Time master table. The eye icon is listed under the Actions column.

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Master Table - DC Average Arrival Time

  1. The DC Average Arrival Time master table displays details such as Store ID, Format, DCS, etc.

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DC Average Arrival Time - Column details

DC Schedule Change

This master table is for updating or removing an existing DC schedule delivery.

  1. Click on the eye icon to view the DC Schedule Change master table. The eye icon is listed under the Actions column.

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Master Table - DC Schedule Change

  1. The DC Schedule Change master table displays details such as Store ID, Format, DCS, etc

Dome Admin Team - Master Table-26.jpg

DC Schedule Change - Column details

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