Display Settings
  • 31 May 2022
  • 1 Minute à lire
  • Sombre
  • PDF

Display Settings

  • Sombre
  • PDF

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Résumé de l’article

Manage Columns

The platform has a feature that enables instant customization of the display columns of the workflow instances on the business workflows page.

  1. Select a business workflow, and click on the Columns button at the top right corner. A sidebar appears from the right side of the screen.


Columns button

  1. The sidebar contains the list of all attributes from the workflow instance that was used while establishing the workflow.
  2. Each data field has a check box on its left.
  3. Select the required columns to display by clicking on the checkboxes.
  4. Click on the Save button to successfully add the columns.

The attributes are added by the enterprise on the DL Freight platform.


Manage Columns sidebar

Manage Rows

  1. To increase the number of rows per page (10, 20, or 50 items), click on the Items per page dropdown present at the left bottom of the application page. Select a number, and the rows appear on the screen.
  2. To view other pages, use the navigation buttons present in the bottom right of the application page.
  3. For bulk operations, view selected instances count on the table footer.
  4. Select the instances or any number of rows on a page with multiple rows of data by clicking on the checkbox on the left-most column of a record.
  5. The count for the selected rows is displayed on the bottom-most ribbon on the screen.


Manage Rows

Saving Instance Data

Export existing data under the business workflows page by clicking on the Export button on the top panel.

Upon clicking the Export button, two options are seen:

  1. Export data for current columns – the report contains data for the columns available on the screen.
  2. Export data for all columns – the report contains data for all the columns.


Export dropdown

Upon selecting the option, receive the data on the email address that’s associated with the current account.

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