- 01 Jun 2022
- 1 Minute à lire
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- SombreLumière
- Mis à jour le 01 Jun 2022
- 1 Minute à lire
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- SombreLumière
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Submitting a Layover Claim
How to add a Layover claim in the DL
To submit a Layover claim on DL Freight™, begin by clicking on the Down arrow to the right of the Layover claim tile on the Update sidebar. There are a few data fields that are mandatory to enter.
Follow the numbered circles on the screenshot as a guide:
- Once the Layover claim dropdown expands, select, and add the route number. (1)
- Add in a comment to help explain the reason for the claim in the Additional Layover Comment text field. (2)
- Then, add the number of layover days in the # of Lay days claimed (days) field. (3)
The number of days field only accepts whole numbers as a part of the business rule. Carriers can submit only one layover claim on a specific Load ID.
Data fields for Layover claim
- Finally, add the Layover Reason by clicking the down arrow. (4)
- Upon clicking the down arrow, a dropdown list appears with three predefined options, i.e.
a. Store refusal
b. Store inventory
c. Weather
Layover Reason dropdown options
- Select the appropriate reason for raising the claim by clicking on the relevant option. Note that there can only be one reason for a layover. You describe more about the reason in the Additional Layover Comment text field. (2)
- Once the details are added, click on the Update button to submit the layover claim for the load.
To check the status of the claim, click here.
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