- 13 Sep 2022
- 2 Minutes à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
Getting Started
- Mis à jour le 13 Sep 2022
- 2 Minutes à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
DL Orchestrator
DL Orchestrator enables users to configure and manage Blockchain Network at DL Unify.
Blockchain Network Orchestrator
Blockchain Network Orchestrator (BNO) is a platform that provides Blockchain Infrastructure as a service. On this platform, any user can request the service with one click.
The BNO allows users to perform the following:
• Ability to provision and manage lifecycle of public, private and permissioned blockchain networks.
• Ability to provision and manage nodes for the blockchain(s).
• Ability to raise the request for the various blockchain and approve the request if authorised.
• Currently, this offering supports Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum and Element DB protocols, with Polygon and Solana in Pipeline.
Getting Started
- Sign in to the DL Unify using the relevant login credentials.
Sign In
- Click DL Orchestrator on the dashboard.
The Requests is the default page that appears after login. And it lists all existing projects previously created.
- The Blockchain Network Orchestrator Requests page opens.
This section displays list of created networks in respective subsections and allows a user to create a new network inside Element, Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric sections.
- Click on Hyperledger Fabric to create a new network.
Hyperledger Fabric network
- Click on Create Network from the navigation panel to create a new network under Hyperledger Fabric.
Create Network
- In the next page, fill in the required details under Server Config and click Proceed.
Server Config
- Fill in the required details under Domain/Peers and click Proceed.
- Fill in the required details under Network Config and click Proceed.
Network Config
- Fill in the required details under User Config and click Proceed.
User Config
- Review all the entered details and click on Submit.
Network Review
- Once you click on Submit, a pop-up message Request has been sent to admin for approvalappears at the bottom of the screen.
View Request
This section displays list of nodes created in respective sections of Nodes, allows to create a new Node under Element, Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric and IPFS sections and enables users to join a group of networks.
- Click on IPFS to create a new IPFS node or view the list of already created nodes.
Create IPFS Node
- Now fill in necessary details under Server Configand click on Proceed.
Server Config
- Fill in the necessary details under Domain Name and click on Proceed.
Update Domain Name
- Now review all the entered details and click Submit.
Submit IPFS Node
- Once you click on Submit, a pop-up message Request has been sent to admin for approvalappears at the bottom of the screen.
View Request
Similarly, a user can create a new node under Element, Hyperledger Fabric or Ethereum as required.
In Organization list of organizations that are added to existing Element Network are visible and a user can add new organizations too.
- Click on Add Organization to add an organisation under Element.
Create Organization
- Next, fill in the required details under Server Config and click on Proceed.
Update Server Config
- Fill in the required details Domain/Peers details and click on Proceed.
Update Domain/Peers
- Fill in the required details for User Config and click Proceed.
User Config
- Next, verify all the entered details and click on Submit.
- View the created request under Element inside Organization.
View Organization