- 03 Mar 2023
- 4 Minutes à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
Generic APIs
- Mis à jour le 03 Mar 2023
- 4 Minutes à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
Click on the Generic API Documentation link, you will be redirected to a new tab to view Generic APIs.
Generic APIs
Get Workflow List
This endpoint is used to fetch the list of all the permissioned workflows. User can refer to the Header and Query parameters for integration Purposes.
Inside Generic APIs, on the Get Workflow List page, by default, the below information is available in the API documentation for each endpoint to send the Generic APIs:
GET (The URL is used to get workflow list).
Security: Bearer Auth
- This parameter is required to authenticate the user by a token which needs to be passed in as a header.
- Use the Get Access Token endpoint to generate the access token.
Query Parameters: The query parameters help the user in filtering and organizing the data.
Get Workflow List
- In the Responses section, below are the different types of responses that will be generated:
Responses | Description |
200 | Successfully done |
400 | Pending agreement found for user |
401 | Invalid token |
404 | Client id not found. |
503 | Something went wrong. |
Get Workflow List - Responses
There are multiple responses for every Response code. Select a response code where you can view several response messages the code displays. You can select the Response message from the drop-down list.
Search Workflow Instances
This endpoint is used to search Workflow Instances. One can refer to the Header and Request Body for integration purposes.
- On the Search Workflow Instance page, by default, the below information is available in the API documentation for each endpoint to send the Generic APIs:
POST (The URL is used to Search Workflow Instance).
- Security: Bearer Auth
This parameter is required to authenticate the user by a token which needs to be passed in as a header.
- Security: Bearer Auth
Path Parameter: In path parameter, unique workflow_id is required to identify an instance and provide its details in the response.
Query Parameters: The query parameters help the user in filtering and organizing the data.
Search Workflow Instance
Search Workflow Instance - Query parameter
- In the Request Body section, click on Example to view the parameters required to get the access token:
Request Body Example | Description |
creation_time_start* | Enter creation time start date in the YYYY-MM-DD format in this field. |
creation_time_start* | Enter creation time end date in the YYYY-MM-DD format in this field. |
All the important sections are marked with an astrisk symbol (*). All other parameters are dynamic in nature and may or may not be applicable for a business entity.
Search Workflow Instance –Request Body Example
- To view the properties of the attributes displayed in Example section, click on Schema.
Search Workflow Instance –Request Body Schema
- In the Responses section, below are the different types of responses that will be generated:
Responses | Description |
200 | Successfully done |
400 | Workflow id is invalid. |
401 | Invalid token |
404 | Id is not found in system |
412 | Validation errors/Invalid Arguments. |
503 | Something went wrong. |
Search Workflow Instance - Responses
There are multiple responses for every Response code. Select a response code where you can view several response messages the code displays. You can select the Response message from the drop-down list.
Get Instance Details
This endpoint is used to Get Instance Details. One can refer to the Header and Request Body for integration purposes.
- On the Get Instance Details page, by default, the below information is available in the API documentation for each endpoint to send the Generic APIs:
GET (The URL is used to Get Instance Details).
- Security: Bearer Auth
This parameter is required to authenticate the user by a token which needs to be passed in as a header.
- Security: Bearer Auth
Path Parameters: In the path parameter, unique workflow_id and tag_id are required to identify an instance and provide its details in the response.
Query Parameters: The query parameters help the user in filtering and organizing the data.
Get Instance Details – Header
Get Instance Details – Path Parameters
Get Instance Details – Query Parameters
- In the Responses section, below are the different types of responses that will be generated:
Responses | Description |
200 | Successfully done |
400 | Pending agreement found for user |
401 | Invalid token |
404 | Client id not found. |
503 | Something went wrong. |
Get Instance Details - Responses
There are multiple responses for every Response code. Select a response code where you can view several response messages the code displays. You can select the Response message from the drop-down list.
Get Business Entity List
This endpoint is used to Get Business Entity List. One can refer to the Header and Request Body for integration purposes.
- On the Get Business Entity List page, by default, the below information is available in the API documentation for each endpoint for Generic APIs:
GET (The URL is used to Get Business Entity List).
- Security: Bearer Auth
This parameter is required to authenticate the user by a token which needs to be passed in as a header.
- Security: Bearer Auth
Path Parameter: In the path parameter, unique workflow_id is required to identify an instance and provide its details in the response.
Query Parameters: The query parameters help the user in filtering and organizing the data.
Get Business Entity List – Header
Get Business Entity List – Path Parameter and Query Parameters
- In the Responses section, below are the different types of responses that will be generated:
Responses | Description |
200 | Successfully done |
400 | Workflow is deactivated. No operation is permitted. |
401 | Group with the provided id is not assigned to participant. |
404 | Workflow with the provided id is not found. |
412 | Validation errors/Invalid Arguments. |
503 | Something went wrong. |
Get Business Entity - Responses
There are multiple responses for every Response code. Select a response code where you can view several response messages the code displays. You can select the Response message from the drop-down list.