  • 30 Nov 2022
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Application Access

  1. Enter your registered email address and account password to access the application.

Vendor Dashboard-01.png

Login screen

Master Delivery Schedule

  1. When you first login, the Dashboard is the default page, and it displays the Master Delivery Schedule arranged in a calendar format.

Depending on your internet connection, the Master Delivery schedule may take a few seconds to load.

If the Master Delivery Schedule does not load automatically, click the Dashboard option in the Navigation Panel on the screen.

Vendor Dashboard-02.png

Master Delivery Schedule

Vendor Dashboard-03.png


  1. The Master Delivery Schedule is designed in compliant with the Walmart Week for all direct store deliveries.

A Walmart Week is a period that begins on a Saturday and ends on a Friday.

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Master Delivery Schedule - Week view

Weekly & Daily Schedules

  1. The default calendar view is Week.

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Master Delivery Schedule - Default view - Week view

  1. You can filter the Master Delivery Schedule as per a Week or a Day.

  2. You can also click the < Week > icon on the Week filter to toggle from one week to another.

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Master Delivery Schedule - Week view

  1. Click on the Day option to switch to the daily view.

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Master Delivery Schedule - Day view

Calendar Download

Download Weekly Calendar View

  1. To download the Weekly calendar view, click on Download on the top right side of the screen.

  2. This downloads a file like workbook that contains whole week calendar information.

The week calendar view is by default.

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Download - Week Calendar view

Vendor Dashboard-10.png

Week Calendar view – Workbook

Download Daily Calendar View

  1. Similarly, to download the Daily calendar view, select the Day view at the center of the screen.

  2. Click on Download on the top right side of the screen.

  3. This downloads a file like workbook that contains all Day calendar information.

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Day Calendar view – Download

Vendor Dashboard-12.png

Day Calendar view – Workbook

Request Walk-in

  1. To request a Walk-in, click on +Request on the top right side of the screen.

Vendor Dashboard-13.png

Request – Walk-in

  1. After clicking +Request, select Walk-in from the dropdown list.

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Select Walk-in - Dropdown

  1. A Walk-in sidebar appears on the right side of the screen.

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Walk-in - Sidebar

The Walk-in feature comprises of four components: 
Supplier Details, Quick Receiving, Merchandisers, and Date & Time.

Supplier Details

Vendor can Walk-in by entering and selecting the details in respective fields.

  1. The Supplier Details section on the Walk-in sidebar contains various data fields to record a Walk-in request.

  2. The vendor enters the following information in the respective fields, like:

    1. Select the Vendor Number and Store ID from the dropdown list.
      Vendor Dashboard-16.png

    Walk-in Sidebar – Vendor Number

    Vendor Dashboard-17.png

    Walk-in Sidebar – Store ID

    1. Enter Province, Products and Distributed by.

    2. Select Commodity from the dropdown.

Walk In-10

Walk-in Sidebar – Supplier Details

Quick Receiving

  1. To enable or disable Quick Receiving, select the Yes or No Radio buttons as per requirement.

Vendor Dashboard-20.png

Walk-in Sidebar - Quick Receiving


  1. Similarly, to enable or disable Merchandisers, select the Yes or No Radio buttons as per requirement.

  2. Select any option as per requirement from the dropdown list under the Receiving Through field.

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Walk-in Sidebar - Merchandisers

Date & Time

  1. Select a Start date and End date from the Calendar in the Date & Time section for scheduling a Walk-in.

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Walk-in Sidebar - Date & Time

  1. Upon filling in all the details, click on Save to initiate a Walk-in.

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Walk-in Sidebar - Save

Pallet Return

Vendors backhaul empty pallet loads from the stores on Pallet Return, which is a specific day(s) in that week. The Pallet Return is indicated on the Master Delivery Schedule column for easy identification.

Vendor Dashboard-25.png

Master Delivery Schedule – Pallet Return

View Inventory Day

Vendors can view inventory day for stores here. The inventory day is shown in the calendar next to the day and date to inform the store managers about the annual inventory day. This allows store managers and Walmart Logistics Store Support associates to plan inventory day-related activities in advance.

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Master Delivery Schedule – Inventory Day

Time-based Filters

Time-based filters can be applied to both Week and Day views.

  1. The default view of the Master Delivery Schedule is Full Day.

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Master Delivery Schedule - Default view - Full Day

  1. Select the drop-down list on the top right corner of the Master Delivery Schedule. The drop-down list displays three Time-based filter options i.e., Full day, 8am-5pm, 6am-3pm.

  2. Select the required option to view the Master Delivery Schedule as per the timeframe.

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Master Delivery Schedule - Time-based filters

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Master Delivery Schedule - Time-based filter - 8am - 5pm

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Master Delivery Schedule - Time-based filter - 6am - 3pm

View Store Schedule

  1. You can search for a specific store by entering the unique Store ID in the Store Name text field.

Vendor Dashboard-31.png

Master Delivery Schedule - Store – Store ID

Merchandisers Schedule

  1. When you first login, the Dashboard is the default page that displays the Master Delivery Schedule arranged in a calendar format.
  2. Click on the down arrow (v) next to the Master Delivery schedule.
  3. Select the Merchandiser Schedule from the dropdown to view the Merchandiser schedule.

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Master Delivery Schedule – Down arrow

Vendor Dashboard-33.png

Merchandiser Schedule

The Merchandiser Schedule displays the vendor schedule in a calendar format.

  1. All the columns in the Merchandiser Schedule display the Schedule date and Day.

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Merchandiser Schedule - Calendar View

Weekly and Daily Schedules

  1. The default calendar view is Week.

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Merchandiser Schedule - Default view - Week view

  1. You can filter the Merchandiser Schedule as per a Week or a Day.

  2. You can also click the < Week > icon on the Week filter to toggle from one week to another.

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Merchandiser Schedule - Week view

  1. Click on the Day option to switch to the daily view.

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Merchandiser Schedule - Day view

Calendar Download

Download Weekly Calendar View

  1. To download the Weekly calendar view, click on Download on the top right side of the screen.
  2. This downloads a file like workbook that contains whole week calendar information.

The week calendar view is by default.

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Merchandiser Schedule - Download Week Calendar view

Vendor Dashboard-39.png

Week Calendar view – Workbook

Download Daily Calendar View

  1. Similarly, to download the Daily calendar view, select the Day view at the center of the screen.
  2. Click on Download on the top right side of the screen.
  3. This downloads a file like workbook that contains whole day calendar information.

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Merchandiser Schedule - Download Day Calendar view

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Day Calendar view – Workbook

View Store Schedule

  1. Go to the Store search box and type in the 4-digit Store ID to view the schedule for a specific store.

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Merchandisers Schedule – Store – Store ID

Reason for coming

Reason for coming allows Merchandisers to select why they visit a store on a particular day. This allows store managers to be informed about the reason for a merchandiser's visit to the store.

  1. To enter the reason for coming, click on the Vendor tile as per the requirement from the columns listed.

Vendor Dashboard-43.png

Merchandisers Schedule – Vendor tile

  1. A Reason for Coming sidebar appears on the right side of the screen.
  2. Select any reason from the dropdown list and click on Save to update the reason for coming to the store.

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Week - Reason for Coming sidebar - Reason

Note: Similarly, select the day view. Click on the Vendor tile and select the reason for coming to the store.

Vendor Dashboard-45.png

Day – Reason for Coming sidebar – Reason

  1. Upon clicking on Save, the reason for coming is updated on the tile.

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Merchandisers Schedule – Reason for coming

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