  • 27 Feb 2023
  • 42 Minutes à lire
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Résumé de l’article

  1. Click on the Business Workflows page in the Navigation Panel.
  2. Choose the required Business Workflow.


Business Workflows page

  1. All the business workflows appear on the screen.
  2. Right-click on any business workflow displayed on the left navigation panel and select Open link in New Tab in Safari, Firefox, and Edge browsers.
  3. Similarly, in chrome, select Open link in New Tab. These options differ based on the type of browser used by the user.


Business Workflows – Left Navigation panel – Right-click

  1. The business workflow will currently open in a new tab.


Business Workflows – New Tab

  1. The right-click menu is closed when a user scrolls vertically or horizontally or clicks anywhere on the screen. This change is implemented across the Business Workflows.


Business Workflows – Right-click


Business Workflows – Vertical/Horizontal Scroll


Follow the steps to create a business workflow:

  1. Click on the Business Workflows page in the Navigation Panel.


Business Workflows - Listing page

  1. Now, click on the +Workflow button in the top right corner.


Create Workflow button

  1. This process opens a new window where you need to fill in details of the Business Workflow.


Create window form

Workflow Details

  1. In the Name field, enter the name of your Business Workflow.
  2. Select the Asset Category you want to link to this Workflow from the Asset Category drop-down menu.


Asset Category linking

  1. Now, select the Asset Profile you want to link to the Workflow from the Asset Profile drop-down menu.

You'll only see the Asset Profiles that are linked to the selected Asset Category.


Asset Profile linking

  1. Fill in the Workflow's description in the description textbox.

Description Text area field can be stretched if needed to add a detailed description.

  1. Under the Workflow Instance Label, enter a name that should display for your Workflow Instance. By-default, the Workflow Instance has Shipments written in its textbox. However, the participant can change it to whatever they need.

Once you enter the Workflow Instance Label, the Configure Sequence tab is enabled. Remember, you cannot move to the Configure Sequence tab until mandatory Workflow Details are entered.


Business Workflows - Create Window

Configure Sequence section helps to decide the sequence of how the Workflow will operate. Use this section to set a path for your Workflow.

Configure Sequence

  1. Now, in the Configure Sequence section, toggle the Grid button in the Workspace Settings on the right side to enable a grid in the background of your Workspace.

The grid view helps to create a better workflow sequence.


Business Workflows - Grid View

  1. Likewise, to change the colour of the Grid, click on the checkbox for colour option.

  2. Select your color from the dropdown color palette. Click on the Ok button to change the color of the grid.

  3. You can also change the background colour of the Workspace. Just click on the square present before the Background button. Select your colour from the dropdown color palette and click on the Ok button to apply the changes.

You can also repeat the procedure to turn the Workspace to its default view.


Grid View - Color Palette

  1. Moving ahead, on the Workspace, click on the + icon in the top right corner to increase the size of nodes that you have added.


Increase node size

  1. Likewise, click on the - icon to reduce the size of nodes.


Decrease node size

  1. Click on the Expand icon to maximize the Workspace window. You can also click on the Restore icon to get back to the default view again.


Maximize and Restore to default window

  1. Click on the arrow beside maximize icon to increase the Workspace field.


Increase the workspace field

  1. On the Workspace, click on the Save As Draft button in the top right corner to Save your incomplete workflow.

This option lets you design your Workflow according to your convenience.


Save as Draft option

  1. Furthermore, click on the Export as PNG button to save the PNG image of the workflow on your computer.


Export as PNG option

  1. Now, to create your workflow sequence, click on the Start node in the Workspace.

The start node is already added to the Workflow space. You can add other Workflows from here.


Business Workflows - Start node

  1. Now, you see the Business Entity, Service node, Script node, Workflow-Trigger node, and Connector node on the right side of your screen. However, only Business Entity is enabled when a first node is added.

Add the Business Entity node first because the workflow should always begin with a Business entity. However, you can add more than one Business Entity from the start node in a Business Workflow.


Business Entity addition

  1. Click on the Business Entity button to add your first node. Now, select your Business Entity from the New section that you want to add to this Workflow. The platform also provides a Search bar to find a particular Business Entity.

  2. You can also select a Business Entity from the Existing section if there are existing Business Entities.

  3. If no Business Entities exist, you can add a new Business Entity by clicking on the + button on the right side.


Business Entity addition

  1. An immersive window slides in from the right side. Here, fill in the details of the Business Entity that you add.

  2. Similarly, you can also see a Business Entity added on your Workspace screen.

  3. Now, on the immersive window form, enter the name of your group in the Name field in the BASIC INFORMATION tab.

The default name of the group is Group164. You can change it as per your requirement.

  1. In the Display Name textbox, enter the name you want to display on the workflow.

The display name is seen for this particular Business Entity in the Workflow.

  1. Click on the Allow aggregation on this node checkbox if you want to link this particular Business Entity to another Workflow.

  2. A Create and Aggregate option is seen below if you log in as a participant. The Create button lets you aggregate the node in another Workflow.

This checkbox lets you connect two Business workflows with a common Business Entity. Remember, the business entity you want to link should last in the previous workflow and first in the following Business Workflow.
Use the aggregation function only to link 2 Business Workflow. You cannot add or update anything in these workflows.

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Create and Aggregate function

  1. Select the Business Entity from the Group name drop-down menu.

If you have already selected a Business Entity from the New section, it will directly display in the Group Name drop-down list.

The Group name drop-down menu is a mandatory field.

  1. Next, select the next node after the current Business Entity from the Next Node drop-down list.

The Next Node option lets you decide which node will come next: Business Entity, Service, or Connector node. The information would move to the selected node.

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Next node drop-down list

Settings Section

  1. Toggle the Group Status button to change the displayed Timeline name for this Business Entity.

Settings section

This function lets you select a defined attribute or context variable displayed under a particular business entity on the timeline.

  1. Select the Attribute you want to display in the timeline from the drop-down list that appears.
  2. Furthermore, click on the Context variable button to enter a default value to be displayed under the timeline.


Context Variable


Execution of context variable

  1. Select one of the radio buttons from the Trigger last node script/service node on section as per your requirement.

Trigger last node helps you execute a Script/Service node that is added after the last node. This function is required because a Script/Service node cannot be executed if it is final or no participant is involved. Also, understand that this setting will only be performed if the current group is the last of the Workflow.


Settings section

  1. The four triggers available for the Script/Service node are:

    1. On asset receive: Selecting this radio button means the Service/Script node will be triggered when an instance is received in the last group node.
    2. On asset send: Selecting this radio button means the Service/Script node will be triggered when you send this particular instance from the last group node to the Script/Service node. Though there will be changes in the instance when it reaches to Script/Service node, you won't be able to Send it any further.
    3. On asset update: Whenever you try to update attributes under this particular group, the asset update function will trigger the last node automatically.
    4. Selecting this option means the Service/Script node is just there; you don't want to trigger it.
  2. In the Select Attributes section, click on the checkboxes of only those attributes you want to add to the Business Workflow.


Select Attributes section

  1. Click on the icon beside the checkboxes to change the hierarchy of those attributes. You can also re-arrange the order of the attributes from this page during the workflow creation.

  2. Click on the Next button after selecting attributes to move to the next section.

  3. The next section, i.e., Attribute Settings, has three sections, viz. PROPERTIES, SET VALUES, and RULES.

This section lets you restrict access to each attribute, set a default value to attributes, and set specific rules.

  1. Click on the checkbox to enable that particular option. Sections of attributes settings


Mandatory: If an attribute is made mandatory, you won't be able to send the instance ahead if the attribute is blank.
Hide from Auditor: This option lets you hide a particular attribute from the Auditor i.e., an Auditor cannot see the selected Attribute.
Hide from other Business Entities: Clicking on this checkbox means the selected attribute is hidden from all other Business Entities in the Workflow except itself.
Hidden: Select this option to remove that Attribute from the Workflow's current business entity.
Quick Edit: This feature is created for a Participant. The participant can update the Attribute from the listing page instance instead of navigating to the detail page. Click on the Update icon in the Actions table, and you can edit that particular Attribute.
Read-only: This option lets a participant view a particular attribute in the Business Entity. However, a participant cannot make changes to that Attribute.
Update only: This feature is only available for Set of Attributes and restricts the participant from creating or adding new rows under the Set of Attributes section. A participant can only update the existing set of attributes if this feature is enabled.
Hide from tracing: This feature helps you to hide a particular attribute from a Business Entity if it is linked to another Business Workflow, thereby safeguarding your privacy. The selected attribute will not be visible under the linked Business Workflow.

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Attribute Settings section

Set Values

This option allows you to give each attribute a default value. Additionally, each business entity's default value can be changed. You only need to add individual values for each group, and the default value will appear in those groups throughout the workflow.


Set Values section

The textarea field under the Set Values tab can be extended based on the amount of information added under it.


Textarea field


Expanded textarea field


This section lets you set rules for particular attributes as needed. The rules can contain, hiding or showing attributes depending on your requirements. You can also add conditions to attributes from this section.

  1. Enter the name of your rule in the Rule Name textbox.

Try to keep the name relevant to the rule you are creating.

  1. Click on the Conditional Statement textbox before the IF word or click on the arrow in the right corner of that textbox to expand or hide the IF loop.
  2. Moving on, click on the Select Attribute dropdown box to select a particular attribute to add an If condition to it. You can choose between String, Number, or Date/Time for the attribute as per your need.
  3. Throughout the application system, the Conditions tab only accepts constant values selected in the left input field. You can adjust the number from the increase/decrease arrow.


Group Node – Rule – Condition Tab - Constant

  1. Likewise, click on the Operator textbox to select a condition for the attribute.
  2. Next, select an attribute to finalize the If condition from the 2nd Select Attribute dropdown box. Click on the Constant button in case you want to enter a specific value instead of adding an attribute in this textbox.
  3. Click on the +Add Condition to add more nested attributes in the same loop.
  4. Furthermore, from the properties section, select Show on edit, Hide on edit, or Hide on detail as per your requirement.

Show on edit- This feature displays a particular attribute's value if its another entered attribute value or given constant is further updated by the Participant. Additionally, if the condition is true, the selected attribute(s) would be editab
Hide on edit- The selected attribute will be hidden while editing.
Hide on detail- The selected attribute will be hidden on the instance detail page.

  1. Now, in the ELSE section select the attribute from the dropdown box that you want to navigate the loop towards, in case the given condition is not fulfilled.
  2. Just like before, you can select between options from Hide on edit, show on edit, and hide on detail buttons as well as select an option from Mandatory, Optional, and Disabled.
  3. Once completed, click on the Add button at the bottom right to add a rule.
  4. After addition, click on the +Rule button in the top right corner
  5. to add more rules to this node.
  6. Likewise, click on the Next button to move to the next page of Settings.


Rules section

Automation Section

In the automation section, you can raise disputes or send specific information ahead only if a particular condition is satisfied.

Types of automation:

  1. Auto Dispute - Toggle the switch to enter attribute value in this tab. You can select an attribute from the Select Attribute dropdown box. Next, enter a value in the textbox field.

Auto-dispute is raised by the platform if the participant tries to send it to the next node. It will not raise the dispute immediately.

  1. Allow send

Allow send offers the end-user the authority to send a particular instance to the next node. When this function is applied to any particular value from an attribute, then its data is allowed to send to next node.

  1. Toggle the switch enables the feature to send the instance to next node only if the condition is met. To use this function, select that attribute from the Select Attribute dropdown box. A textbox appears right beside the dropdown box. Enter the value from the corresponding Attribute here.

  2. Auto send

    1. Toggle the switch before the Auto Send function to enable it.
    2. Now, select the unit from the dropdown box.
    3. The dropdown offers 4 options viz. Min, Hr, Day, and Custom. Min is Minutes. Hr is Hours while Day is number of Days.
    4. Now, enter the amount of min, hr, or days as per your need in the textbox right beside the dropdown box.

Auto send function forwards a particular data after a certain interval of time set by the end user. The end user need not check if the data is sent or not.

  1. Auto delay
    1. Toggle the switch before the Auto Delay function to enable it.
    2. Now, select the unit from the dropdown box.
    3. The dropdown offers 4 options viz. Min, Hr, Day, and Custom. Min is Minutes. Hr is Hours while Day is number of Days. In case of Custom, if the value is a number, the platform will put a delay of minutes equal to the number value, else it will send immediately.
    4. Now, enter the amount of min, hr, or days as per your need in the textbox right beside the dropdown box.

Auto delay function automatically delays a particular data for a certain interval of time set by the enduser.

  1. Allow receive -

Allow receive offers the end user the authority to receive a particular instance from a node.
In this function, if the given condition is met, only then the instance can be received by the currently worked upon Business Entity.

  1. Toggle the switch to select any particular attribute that you want to receive data from. Now, select that attribute from the Select Attribute dropdown box. A textbox appears right beside the dropdown box. Enter the value corresponding to your Attribute here.

Automation section

  1. Allow reject

    1. Simply toggle the switch before the Allow reject function to enable it.
    2. Now, select an attribute from the dropdown box.
    3. Enter your desired value in the textbox that appears.

This function lets you reject a particular attribute's value only if the entered value is matched with the value input by the enduser.

  1. Allow auto receive- Simply toggle the switch before this function to enable it.

Enabling auto receive means you can automatically receive data from a Business Entity to the current Business Entity without having to allow it.
Remember, auto-receive for a particular function will only work if the allow receive function is already enabled and its condition is met as well.

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Automation section

Trigger section

In the Trigger section, you can initiate(call-in) another workflow from the current workflow. Trigger gives you the capability to push data to another workflow from the currently worked upon workflow.


Trigger page

  1. Now, to add a trigger, click on the Settings tab of the node, after entering relevant data in the Basic Information and Attributes section, the Trigger section is enabled.
  2. Click on the +Trigger button in the center of this section to add a Trigger.
  3. Now, from the attribute dropdown box, select your attribute.

Understand that whenever a value is entered in this attribute, the trigger function will automatically initiate the Target Workflow. You will be selecting the target workflow in the upcoming steps.


Trigger section

  1. Now, select your Target Workflow from the Target Workflow dropdown box.

Attribute and Target Workflow are 2 mandatory fields under the trigger section. A validation message is displayed for each of the two fields if the operator does not enter any value. .


  1. Next, select the Trigger Event that you want to apply. You can either Create an instance or you can Create & Send an instance depending upon your requirement.
  2. Next, click on the Settings icon under the Actions tab or click on the downward arrow under the Actions tab.
  3. This opens a dropdown where the Attributes of your Target Workflow are seen.

This section helps to map the attributes of the target workflow with the attributes of your current/parent workflow.

  1. Here, simply select the radio button for Attribute or Constant as per your requirement for each Attribute. Now, select the Parent attribute for each attribute from the Parent attribute dropdown box.

One Parent attribute can provide values to 2 Target attributes, however, 1 Target attribute can have only 1 parent attribute.


Trigger section

  1. Also, click on the +Variable button to add a variable to the trigger. Furthermore, add context in the context variable for the same.
  2. Click on the +Add more button in the top right corner if you want to add multiple attributes to the section.
  3. Once mapped, click on the Next button to move to the Trigger event section. You see various options here with checkboxes. You can select all checkboxes or customized checkboxes according to your need.
  4. Various options available are:
    1. Update on instance receive: Whenever an update action is taken on a selected attribute, particularly on an instance received, this function will trigger the Target Workflow.
    2. Update by business entity users: Selecting this checkbox means the Target Workflow should be initiated only if that particular Business Entity's user updates the selected attribute value.
    3. Update by auditor user: Selecting this checkbox means the Target Workflow should be initiated only if any auditor updates the selected attribute value.
    4. Update on instance refresh by Business Entity user: If an instance refresh is done by any Business Entity user for the selected Attribute, the Target Workflow will be initiated automatically.
    5. Update on instance refresh by Auditor user: If an instance refresh is done by the Auditor for the selected Attribute, the Target Workflow will be initiated automatically.
    6. Update by system: If the system itself updates the particular attribute's value, the Trigger will be invoked.

Service node

  1. After adding a Business Entity, various other nodes are enabled. However, you can add multiple Business Entites only after the first node.
  2. Click on the Service node under the Add a node section to add a Service node to the Workflow.

A service node works as a backend service for you. You can connect to another Business Entity to gain or post specific as well as all the data among each other. This further saves time as you do not need to login to other Business Entity's platform and vice-versa.

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Add a node section

  1. Now, click on the + button to add a Service node.


Adding service node

  1. A new window form slides in from the right side with the initial name of the Service node.


Basic Information section

  1. Change the name of the node from the Name field under the Basic Information section
  2. Likewise, change the Display Name of a Business Entity under the Basic Information.
  3. Basic Information section also helps to choose the next node of the Business Workflow which can be a Business Entity, or any other node.
  4. In the Display Name textbox, enter the name you want to display on the workflow for this node.

The display name is seen for this particular Business Entity in the Workflow.

  1. Next, select the next node after the selected service node from the Next Node dropdown box.

The Next Node option lets you decide which Business Entity will come next. The information would then move to the selected Business Entity.


Basic Information section

  1. Click on the Next button or click on the Service tab at the top to define your Service node. Likewise, click on the Cancel button in case you want to abort this operation or click on the Clear button to wipe the data across all fields.

Remember, even if you abort the operation, the selected node is still added in the Business Workflow. Scroll down at the bottom in the General Node Functions to understand how to delete a node.

  1. Now, in the Service tab, enter the URL in the request URL textbox.

URL works like an API endpoint that determines which information to share or pull from a Business Entity.


Service tab

  1. Now, various functions like GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE determine what a particular API will do.
  1. GET- this function is used to gain information from another business entity.


GET function

  1. POST- this function is used to post certain data in another Business Entity.


POST function

  1. PUT- this function updates data in a particular entry of another business entity in a holistic manner.


PUT function

  1. PATCH- using this function again determines that data is being updated. However, the data update will be in a partial manner.


PATCH function

  1. DELETE- this function is used to delete certain information from another Business Entity using an API endpoint.


DELETE function

  1. Moving on, under the Authorization tab, the platform offers 3 authentication options viz. Basic Auth, OAuth 2.0, Bearer Token.


Authorization tab

Under Auth section, all 3 authentication options contain certain mandatory fields. The platform displays a validation message for each field if the data is not entered in it.


  1. Additionally, the integrated platform offers various API endpoint configurations to share data within the platform among two products viz. Headers, Parameters, Body, and Post Run.

  2. The Body tab offers 3 options viz. None, Form Data, and Raw. Under the Raw option, you can select whether the data should be in the Text, Javascript, JSON, HTML, and XML format. Additionally, the platform also provides onscreen + and - icons to increase and reduce the font size of the code respectively.

The Body tab is the Main Body of your API endpoint.


Body tab

  1. Under the Post Run tab, you can enter your script to execute on the response received after executing the API endpoint.
  2. Click on the Save button to save the service node. Go back on the Workspace to check if the node is added in the Workflow.
  3. Furthermore, click on the Clear button in case you need to wipe out the data across all fields. Similarly, click on the Cancel button or click on the Cross icon in the top right corner if you want to abort the entire operation.
  4. Click on the ? icon in the top right corner to get basic information about the Service node and functionalities involved.


Help window for Service node

Script node

A script node offers a code editor where you can enter your script which would further be compiled and used in the Business Workflow.

  1. After adding a Business Entity, click on the Script node under the Add a node section,

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Add a node section

  1. Now, click on the + button to create a new script node.

Add a Script node

  1. A window form slides in from the right. This window contains a default name of the script node.

Create script window - Basic Information

  1. Next, enter the name of the node in the Name textbox. This further changes the default name that you see at the top as well. In the Display Name textbox, enter the name you want to display on the workflow for this node.

The display name is seen for this particular Business Entity in the Workflow.

  1. Next, select the next node after the current Business Entity from the Next Node dropdown box.

The Next Node option lets you decide which Business Entity will come next. The information would then move to the selected Business Entity.

  1. Now, click on the Next button to move to the Script tab. Click on the Cancel button in case you want to abort the node creation operation.

Remember, even if you abort the operation, the selected node is still added in the Business Workflow. Scroll down at the bottom in the General Node Functions to understand how to delete a node.

  1. Now, enter the Script name under the Script Name textbox.
  2. Furthermore, enter the Javascript code in the code editor.

Script tab

  1. Additionally, click on the + icon to increase the font size of the Javascript code you enter. Likewise, click on the - icon to reduce the size as well.

Font - Increase size


Font - Decrease size

  1. Click on the Save button to finally save your node. Additionally, click on the Clear button in case you want to wipe the code entered in the Code Editor.
  2. Click on the Cancel button in case you need to abort the node creation operation itself.

Click on the ? icon in the top right corner to learn more about the Script node.


Help window for Script node

Workflow-Trigger node

Workflow-Trigger node has functions and records similar to using a Trigger for a Script/Service node after the last group of a Workflow.
However, other nodes can be added after the Workflow-Trigger as well.

  1. In the Configure Sequence section, click on the last node that you have created.
  2. Now, click on the Workflow-Trigger node on the right side of your screen.
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Add a node section

  1. Next, click on the + button to create a Workflow-Trigger node.


Create Workflow-Trigger node button

  1. Now, a Workflow-trigger node window form slides in from the right side with a default name for the node.


Create Workflow-Trigger node window

  1. In the properties section, click on the Name textbox to change the name of the node. Likewise, click on the Display Name to change the name of the node that will be displayed in the Workflow. Under the Connections tab, select the next node from Next Node dropdown box.


Properties section

  1. Click on the Next button or click on the TRIGGER EVENT section to move to the next section.


Trigger event

  1. Under the Trigger Event section, the platform has 2 sections viz condition, and scheduler.
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Trigger event - Condition & Scheduler

A user can invoke more than 1 Workflow Trigger node in a Business Workflow. However, if no condition is assigned to the node and only mandatory fields are entered, the Workflow will be published.

Condition function: Condition function lets you apply an ‘if’ expression to set a condition.

Fill in the condition statement and select an Attribute, you can select muiltiple attributes to set a condition.

  1. To apply a condition, select a value under three dropdown sections viz. Select Attribute, Operator, and Select Attribute.

Trigger Event - Condition section

  1. Under the first dropdown box, select if the added value should be a String, Number or Date/Time and then select an attribute from the dropdown box.
    workflow trigger4.png

Trigger Event - Condition section

  1. Select a sign from the given options under the Operator dropdown box.

Trigger Event - Condition section

  1. Next, decide if the next attribute is Attribute, Constant or Context Variable and then select an attribute from the list of attributes.

Trigger Event - Condition section

If you set the constant value to 100, the Workflow Trigger Node will only be executed when the number attribute value equals 622.

If the value is not equal to 100, a batch will be created and all instances will stay in the Workflow Trigger Node only; it will not execute until the attribute is Number and the value is equal to 624.

  1. To add more conditions, click on the +Add Condition button to add more conditions to the node. Similarly, you can decide if the conditions need to be AND/OR

By configuring conditions on a node, assets can be aggregated on the basis of batches.

  1. Click on the Scheduler section to schedule the Workflow Trigger node.

Trigger Event - Scheduler section

Under scheduler settings, the operator can schedule the formation of the batches and aggregation of the workflow.

  1. Under the execute dropdown box, simply select an option from Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Custom. Likewise, select an option from the Timezone dropdown box.


Trigger Event - Scheduler section

Daily - Selecting this option means the aggregation of nodes will be conducted at a specified time on a daily basis and then an instance will be triggered in the target workflow.


Selecting daily option

Weekly - After selecting weekly, select a day of the week on which the aggregation of nodes will be conducted at a specified time. Further, an instance will be triggered in the target workflow.


Selecting Weekly option

Monthly - On selecting monthly, a new dropdown box appears beside it. Simply selecct the day of the month on which you want to aggregate the nodes and further trigger an instance in the target workflow.


Selecting monthly option

Custom - After selecting custom, a new field textbox appears. Simply enter the customized data string for aggregation in this textbox.


Selecting custom option

If in case you configure both, the condition and scheduler, it will execute whatever comes true, either of the two for the Workflow Trigger Node.

  1. Select a particular time using the time boxes given.

  2. Click on the Next button to move to the Aggregation section.

  3. Moving to the Aggregation tab, here you can write your own script in the command prompt which will be used for calculations of context variables and attributes, after saving.


Aggregation section

  1. Various aggregation functions available are: average, count, maximum, minimum and sum. You can use these functions according to your requirements.

The Aggregation Script is to ensure which variables are required to aggregate in the main Business Workflow. For example, if a group of 100 instances is created, and user wants to conduct a sum of one attribute from the 100 instances, he/she can do it using the aggregation script.

  1. Click on the i icon at the top left corner to better understand the syntax and hence, write a better code for aggregation.


info section

The aggregation script is used to aggregate instances in one workflow, prior to triggering all instances under a workflow.

In the case of script failure, the Workflow-Trigger node will not be executed.

Also, the operator will receive an email notification with the Workflow ID, Batch ID and other details, on script failure.

Workflow Failure email

  1. Click on the + button in the middle of the screen to add a Trigger node.

Trigger section

  1. Now, from the dropdown box, select a Workflow that you want to invoke at the end of the Workflow.


Select Workflow dropdown box

  1. You also get options to Create or Create and Send this particular instance. You can select any one option as per your need.

  2. Click on the + icon in the top right corner to add more Target Workflows like these.

Add Target Workflows

  1. Now, click on the Attribute mapping icon under the Actions column to link attributes of the current Business Entity to the selected Business Entity.

  2. This opens a mini-window that lets you select if a particular attribute is a Constant, Attribute or Context.


Attribute mapping

  1. Likewise, you can also select a Parent attribute to link to a attribute from the dropdown box.

  2. Click on the Add button to add the mapped attributes.


Add button

  1. After closing the mini-window, click on the cross icon under the actions column in case you want to delete a mapped Workflow. Next, click on the Yes button in the prompt that appears.


Delete icon - Deleting a mapped workflow

  1. Now, under the post script tab, the operator can enter a post aggregation script which will run for each instance in one batch, after the execution of Workflow-Trigger node.


Post Script section

Post script will run for all instances in a batch, and if any attribute values need to be updated, it will execute after the Trigger execution.

When you set a Trigger node, it will first verify the Trigger Event, then go to Aggregation, Trigger, and finally Post Script if the workflow is satisfied.

If the user has not defined the Condition and Scheduler for the Trigger Event but has set the Aggregation, Trigger, and Post Script, the Aggregation and Post Script will not work , only the Trigger will work. User must define any one Condition/Scheduler to define the Aggregation and Post Script.

  1. Click on the i icon to know more about the post script tab.


Info for Post Script section

  1. Click on the Save button to add the Workflow-Trigger node to your workflow.
  2. You can click on the Cancel button in case you want to abort the node addition.
  3. Likewise, click on the Clear button to reset the data across all data fields.
  4. You now see a Workflow-Trigger node added on your Configure Sequence section.

**How to view the tracing information of the list of workflow instances aggregated from details page: **

  1. Login to the platform from the participants.
  2. Click on the View Tracing option in the Business Workflows.
  3. This further lands you to the tracing page of that instance where you can view the list of aggregated instances along with all key attributes.

Tracing page shows the Business Entity as well as other nodes followed by it.

  1. Click on any of the aggregated instance to trace its movement in the workflow.

You see a list of aggregated instances if they are more than 10, else you view branches of these instances beside the main instance.

Remember, if the post script fails, the rollback of the node will not take place.
Also, the operator will not receive any email if the Post Script fails due to incorrect configuration.

Execution of Workflow Trigger node depending upon Group Status:

Once you enable the On asset receive button, whenever a particular node receives an instance, the Workflow Trigger Node will execute.
Settings of the Groups will only work if the last node is Workflow Trigger Node.

Upon enbaling the On asset send button, whenever a particular group sends an instance the Workflow Trigger Node will execute, depending on the Condition and Scheduler set.

In case of the On asset update button, the Workflow Trigger Node will not execute, you need to add another node after the Workflow Trigger Node.

If the added node structure is Business Entity, Script node, Workflow Trigger Node, and Service node, and the operator configures the 'On asset update' button and makes any changes, to the Business Entity, the Script node, or Service node, nodes will be executed, but the Workflow Trigger Node will be skipped.

If you add a Business Entity after the Workflow Trigger Node, the Workflow Trigger Node will execute based on the transaction between 2 Group nodes.

Whenever the prior Business Entity node sends an instance to the next, the Workflow Trigger Node will execute.

Connector node

Connector node lets you connect Business Entities based on certain conditions. If a condition is followed, the data flows into a Business Entity else it flows into another Business Entity.

  1. After adding a Business Entity, add a connector node by clicking on the Connector node button under the Add a node section.

  2. Now, click on the + button to add a Connector node.


Add a node section

  1. A window form slides in from the right. This form has a default connector node name given by the platform.

Create window form

  1. In the Basic Information field, enter the name of the node in the Name textbox. This further changes the default name that you see at the top as well.

  2. In the Display Name textbox, enter the name you want to display on the workflow for this node.

The display name is seen for this particular Business Entity in the Workflow.

  1. Click on the Clear button in case you want to wipe the data across all fields. The name fields are restored to default once you click the Clear button. Likewise, click on the Cancel button in case you want to abort the node creation process.

Remember, even if you abort the operation, the selected node is still added in the Business Workflow. Scroll down at the bottom in the General Node Functions to understand how to delete a node.

  1. Moving on, click on the Save button or click on the CONNECTIONS tab to create the node.

  2. Now, in the Connections tab, the IF loop allows you to enter certain conditions that decide the flow of this Workflow.


Connections tab

  1. First, select the Attribute from the dropdown box in the IF condition.
  2. You can also select characters from String, Number, or Date/Time for this attribute. Just click on that particular option to select it.

Connections tab

  1. Now, select the select the operator for this particular condition from the 2nd dropdown box.

Connections tab

  1. Next, enter a value if you select the Constant option.
  2. Enter the value in the textbox if you select the Value option else select the attribute from the dropdown box that appears.
  3. Click on the +Add condition button in case you want to more conditions to this loop.
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+Add condition button

  1. Now, click on the existing radio button if you want to add a Business Entity from the existing entities in the workflow, If not, click on the new radio button to add a Business Entity from the available Business Entities that are not added in the Workflow.

Connections section

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Connections section

  1. Now, select your Business Entity from the Dropdown box.

Selecting a Business Entity here means if the above condition is followed. The data thus flows into this selected Business Entity else it is navigated to another selected Business Entity.

  1. Similarly, you can add an else if condition depending on your requirements. Simply hover over in the blank middle space between the if and else loops. Click on the +ELSE IF button to add a new condition.

The ELSE IF condition allows you to add more nested conditions to the previously defined IF loop.


Connections section

  1. Simply select data as per your need in this loop just like you did in the IF condition.

  2. Now, moving on to the ELSE condition, select the new or existing radio buttons depending on which business entity needs to be selected.


Connections section

  1. Furthermore, select the Business Entity from the dropdown box.

  2. Click on the Clear button to wipe the data across all fields of the screen.

  3. Furthermore, click on the Cancel button to abort the node addition operation.

  4. Click on the Save button to save these changes.

  5. Moving on to the Workflow Settings tab,

Workflow Settings

This tab lets you handle the general settings of the business workflow. However, some settings can also be changed by participants after they login to their DLT Participants platform.

Various tabs on the platform can be managed from a number of Settings tabs present on the left side of the screen. Likewise, this tab also offers a Summary of the overall platform settings on the right side of the screen.

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Summary section

  1. Date Configuration

Date Configuration lets you set a particular date for your Workflow.
You can use the workflow and create/send instances on the Start date. You will not be allowed to do those operations after the estimated end date.

To configure a date to your Workflow:

  1. Simply click on the Date Configuration tab to open it.
  2. Toggle the switch Schedule the start for a future date to enter a definite start and end date for your Workflow.
  3. Select a start date from the Start Date DatePicker textbox.
  4. Likewise, select an estimated end date for the workflow in the Estimated end date DatePicker textbox.
  5. Finally, click on the Save button in the top left corner to Save these settings.


Date Configuration setting

  1. You see a notification Workflow created successfully once you save the data.
    workflowcreated notification.png

Workflow creation notification

If you get a notification your web browser may have encountered an issue. Please try again. at the bottom left of your screen, understand that the settings configuration has failed.
Try repeating the procedure to save the function as well as the Business Workflow.


Error notification

Click anywhere else on the screen or click on the cross icon of the notification at the bottom left to close it.

  1. Rejection Settings

This function lets you reject all instances in a workflow. You can also add a reason for rejection if needed from this function.

  1. In the Workflow Settings section, click on the Rejection Settings tab on the left side of your screen.

  2. Now, simply toggle the Include rejection of the asset switch to enable the option of rejecting an instance.

  3. Moving on, click on the optional or mandatory radio buttons present before the Rejection Comment option.

As the words suggest, selecting optional means the rejection comment can be optional while selecting mandatory makes it mandatory to comment on the rejection of instance.


Rejection Settings

  1. Click on the Save button in the top right corner to save the settings as well as create the workflow.

  2. You see a notification Workflow created successfully once you save the data.
    workflowcreated notification.png

Workflow creation notification

If you get a notification your web browser may have encountered an issue. Please try again. at the bottom left of your screen, understand that the data is not saved.
Try repeating the procedure to save the function as well as the Business Workflow.


Error notification

Click anywhere else on the screen or click on the cross icon of the notification at the bottom left to close it.

  1. Deactivated Instance Settings

This function gives you the authority to decide if you want to send deactivated instances from one node to another.

  1. Simply toggle the Allow movement for deactivated instance switch to activate the function.

  2. Next, select attributes from the allow update section.

  3. Click on the Save button to save these changes.

Deactivated Instance settings

  1. You see a notification Workflow created successfully once you save the data.
    workflowcreated notification.png

Workflow creation notification

If you get a notification your web browser may have encountered an issue. Please try again. at the bottom left of your screen, understand that the settings configuration is not saved.
Try repeating the procedure to save the function as well as the Business Workflow.


Error notification

Click anywhere else on the screen or click on the cross icon of the notification at the bottom left to close it.

  1. Instance Refresh Settings

This setting allows the platform to automatically refresh workflow instances when the master table gets updated. Using this setting refreshes all those instances which contain the attribute value against an attribute defined below when a master table is updated.

  1. Click on the Instance Refresh Settings tab on the left side of your screen.
  2. Copy the format present just above the code editor screen and paste in the code editor screen.
  3. Adjust the font size by clicking on the + or - icons present on the right side of the code editor screen.


Instance Refresh settings

  1. Now, enter the attribute field name in place of the attribute word and enter the real attribute value in place of the attribute value word.
  2. Next, click on the Save button in the top right corner to save these changes.
  3. You see a notification Workflow created successfully once you save the data.
    workflowcreated notification.png

Workflow creation notification

If you get a notification your web browser may have encountered an issue. Please try again. on the bottom left of your screen, understand that the settings configuration, as well as the business workflow, is not saved.
Try repeating the procedure to save the function as well as the Business Workflow.


Error notification

Click anywhere else on the screen or click on the cross icon of the notification at the bottom left to close it.

Remember, if the selected attribute value itself is changed, then the entered function will not work.

  1. Dashboard Settings

The function let’s you select the columns in the instance listing page which the participant can see when they login to the platform for the first time. However, Participants can also change the Attributes that are displayed from his/her login ID on the platform. Delivery Status and Actions columns are bi-default selected for any Participant.

980. Click on the Dashboard Settings tab on the left side of your screen.

  1. In the Display Name textbox, enter the name you want to set for the dashboard column 1 for this workflow.

This name will be visible to the Participant user on the Workflow instance listing page.

  1. Simply select or deselect Attributes from the Dashboard columns 1 section. You can also visualize the preview under the Columns Preview section. Similarly, see the total number of attributes selected right beside the Dashboard Columns 1.

  2. Likewise, you can also incorporate these changes under Dashboard Columns 2 section. Display Name and Columns Preview work just like Dashboard Columns 1.

Delivery Status and Action column will be fixed and will be visible to the user on all Dashboards.

Screenshot 2022-02-18 at 8.01.36 PM.png

Dashboard settings

All hidden attributes are also visible in the selection section but in the disabled mode.
Hover over the disabled attributes and a tool tip is seen that gives clarification on hidden attributes.


Disabled attributes

  1. Once selected, simply click on the Save button in the top right corner to activate this function.
  2. You see a notification Workflow created successfully once the data is saved.

workflowcreated notification.png

Workflow creation notification

If you get a notification Your web browser may have encountered an issue. Please try again. on the bottom left of your screen, understand that the settings configuration, as well as the business workflow, is not created.
Try repeating the procedure to save the function as well as the Business Workflow.


Error notification

Click anywhere else on the screen or click on the cross icon of the notification at the bottom left to close it.

  1. Timeline Settings

This setting gives you the authority to decide if a business entity should have access to the complete timeline or restricted to the current position of the instance.

  1. Under the Workflow Settings tab, click on the Timeline Settings tab on the left side of your screen.

  2. You now see all Busines Entities in the workflow listed under the Group Name tab.

  3. Simply select or deselect radio buttons as per your requirements.

  4. Click on the radio button under the Show Complete Timeline tab of that Business Entity if you want its Participant to see the entire timeline.

  5. Similarly, click on the radio button under the Limited to current asset position tab to limit the timeline to its current entity position.

  6. Click on the Save button to save the changes and create the Workflow.

Timeline settings

  1. You now see a notification Workflow created successfully. at the bottom left of your screen.
    workflowcreated notification.png

Workflow creation notification

If you see a notification Your web browser may have encountered an issue. Please try again at the bottom left of your screen, understand that the Workflow creation has failed.
Check if your internet is working and try repeating the Workflow creation procedure.


Error notification

Click anywhere else on the screen or click on the cross icon of the notification at the bottom left to close it.

  1. Key Attribute settings

Key Attribute settings function lets you decide the attributes that will have unique values assigned to them. The end user has to enter a unique value to the attribute when working on the workflow instance.

In the Workflow Settings tab, click on the Key Attribute Settings tab on the left-hand side of your screen.

  1. Now, simply click on the dropdown box under the Select Key Attributes tab.
    Screenshot 2022-02-18 at 8.08.32 PM.png

Select Key attributes

  1. Select attributes that you want to be unique from this dropdown box.

You can also select multiple attributes as key attributes. In that case, those attributes work together as composite keys.

  1. Click on the dropdown box under the Select Navigation Attributes.
    Screenshot 2022-02-18 at 8.10.31 PM.png

Select Navigation Attributes

  1. Select attribute that you want to set as Navigation key attribute from this dropdown box. You can select only one Attribute as a Navigation Key Attribute.
    Screenshot 2022-02-18 at 8.18.18 PM.png

Key Attribute Settings

Operators can configure the TAG ID from key attribute settings.
Additionally, you can also view your selected key attribute and navigation attribute in the summary section at the bottom.

Attribute selected as Navigation Key Attribute will be visible to all users in the left navigation panel for this workflow to navigate through different instances.

  1. Now, click on the Save button to Save these changes and create your workflow.
  2. You now see a notification Workflow created successfully at the bottom left of your screen.
    workflowcreated notification.png

Workflow creation notification

If a notification Your web browser may have encountered an issue. Please try again appears at the bottom left of your screen, understand that the workflow creation has failed.
Check if your internet is working fine and try repeating the Workflow creation procedure.


Error notification

Click anywhere else on the screen or click on the cross icon of the notification at the bottom left to close it.

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