Accessing Workflow Instances
  • 19 Dec 2022
  • 4 Minutes à lire
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Accessing Workflow Instances

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  • PDF

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Résumé de l’article

Instances of a Business Workflow can be accessed in two ways:

  1. Clicking on the Business workflow icon.
  2. Using the interactive navigation panel from the main selection menu on the left.


Business Workflows page

  1. Click on the Business Workflows tab in the Navigation Panel.
  2. Choose the required Business Workflow.

Business Workflows - Participant for alternate option.png

Business Workflows

  1. All the business workflows appear on the screen.
  2. Right-click on any business workflow and select “Open link in New Tab” in Safari, Firefox, and Edge browsers.
  3. Similarly, in chrome, select “Open in New Tab”. These options differ based on the type of browser used by the user.

Business Workflows – Right-click Participant.png

Business Workflows – Right-click

  1. The business workflow will currently open in a new tab.

Business Workflows – New Tab Participant.png

Business Workflows – New Tab

  1. Similarly, right-click on any business workflow displayed on the left navigation panel.

Business Workflows – Left Navigation panel – Right-click participant.png

Business Workflows – Left Navigation panel – Right-click

  1. The business workflow currently opens in a new tab.

Business Workflows – New Tab.png

Business Workflows – New Tab

  1. The right-click menu is closed when a user scrolls vertically or horizontally or clicks anywhere on the screen. This change is implemented across the Business Workflows

Participant Business Workflows – Right-click 3rd SS.png

Business Workflows – Right-click

Business Workflows – Vertical Horizontal Scroll 4 SS.png

Business Workflows – Vertical/Horizontal Scroll

Business Workflows – Left Navigation panel – Right-click participant.png

Business Workflows - Left Navigation panel – Right-click

From Business Workflow tile

  1. Select the business workflow and click on it to view the workflow instances.
  2. Using this step is helpful if there are a few workflow instances or a smaller number of incoming workflow instances.


Business Workflows page

  1. Get a focused excel grid view of all workflow instances in the business workflow.


Workflow Instances list

For Business Workflow Listing Page

Improved platform performance for business workflow listing page.

  1. Click on the Business Workflows from the left navigation panel and scroll for the required workflows without any delay.

Now, the platform allows infinite scrolling without any blockage or slowness or any delay.

Dashboard Scrolling.png

Dashboard scrolling

Interactive navigation panel

  1. The Business workflow page has an arrow that opens an interactive navigation panel on the left-hand side. The interactive navigation panel has a list of all business workflows. Upon clicking a specific business workflow, the list of all workflow instances in that business workflow appears on the screen.
  2. It has an infinite scroll that helps manage large volumes of data. A participant does not need to go to individual pages to access workflow instances. Quicker access is available throughout the business workflow page to deal with multiple workflow instances.

Nevigation panel.png

Interactive Navigation Panel


Search blank

  1. Search for a workflow instance by entering instance ID/number in the search option of the interactive navigation panel.

The search bar has a smart prediction that gives results, even after entering a partial name or character.


Workflow Instances List

Wrap content feature

The wrap content feature displays the entire data in cells, extending rows and columns to display the entire content of the workflow listing workbook grid.

  1. In the Business Workflows section, select the desired business workflow tile and click on it.


Selecting a Business Workflow

  1. This further displays the list of instances under one Business Workflow.
  2. To use the wrap content feature, toggle the wrap content button on the right-hand side above the list of instances.
  3. This displays entire data in cells, extending rows and columns to display the entire content of the workflow listing workbook grid.


Enabling the Wrap content feature

  1. Toggle the same button in the top right corner above the instances list to unwrap content.


Unwrapping the content

Horizontal scrolling

Horizontal scrolling lets the participant user view the columns of an instance in a more simplified and detailed manner by providing a scroll to the Actions column as well.

Follow the steps below to enable horizontal scrolling:

  1. From the Business Workflows section, select the respective Business Workflow tile.


Selecting a Business Workflow

  1. This lists all workflow instances under a Business Workflow.
  2. Click on the Arrow(>) icon in the right corner of the instance grid.


Arrow(>) icon

  1. This enables a horizontal scroll at the bottom of the screen to scroll Actions column as well.


Horizontal scroll

  1. Use this feature to apply a horizontal scroll and access all columns, including the Actions column.

The application retains user's preference for hiding or showing the Actions column at a browser level.

  1. Similarly, upon clicking the Arrow (<) icon again, all other columns except the Action column shall scroll horizontally with a horizontal bar.


Arrow (<) icon

  1. The platform also provides a tip message for this feature at the bottom upon hovering over the icon.


Tip for horizontal scrolling

Zoom in and Zoom out

  1. The platform has provided a comprehensive feature to view your instances in a better way.
  2. The default view for the platform instance listing is 100%.


Default view

  1. Click on the + button at the bottom to zoom in on the instances. The instance listing can be maximized upto 200%


Maximized view

  1. Click on the - button to zoom out the instance list. The instance listing can be minimized upto 50%.


Minimized view

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