Self-Serve Portal
  • 26 May 2022
  • 3 Minutos para leer
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  • PDF

Self-Serve Portal

  • Oscuro
  • PDF

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Dashboard Page

Let's explore the Dashboard page on the platform.

The Dashboard page is the default screen upon login. It displays all the configured widgets. Easily add and manage widgets using the Dashboard page.

  1. Log in to the DL Freight Participants account.
  2. Upon logging in, the Dashboard page is the default screen.
  3. Click  on the Dashboard option in the Navigation Panel on the left to get back to the Dashboard page if you are not on the same page.


Dashboard View

Using the Navigation Panel on the platform is simple. Use the steps mentioned below for easy navigation.

Navigation Panel

The Navigation Panel is present on the left-hand side of the screen that contains three tabs as follows - Dashboard, Workflows, and Master Table.

  1. Log in to the DL Freight Participant account.
  2. On the left-hand side of the screen is the Navigation Panel.
  3. The Navigation Panel has links to 3 pages.
  4. The details about the pages are covered in the sections below.


Navigation Panel

Business Workflows Page

A Business Workflow enforces a contract between/among the organizations or departments of an organization and defines the path an Asset can take during its lifecycle.

The Business Workflows page is where most functions are performed. The business workflow tiles contain the workflow's name and count of the prebuilt filers values.
Currently, the business workflow tile showcases details about:

  1. Pending Acceptance: Loads that the participant has not accepted for possession.
  2. Dispute Raised: Loads or Invoices currently in dispute.

The Business Workflows page lists all the Business Workflows assigned to the participant account.

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Business Workflows page

Interactive Navigation Panel

Use this feature to navigate through various Business Workflows and respective loads using the Interactive Navigation Panel.

  1. The Business Workflow page has an arrow that opens the Interactive Navigation Panel on the left-hand side.
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Accessing the Interactive Navigation Panel

Interactive Navigation Panel

The panel has an infinite scroll that helps manage large volumes of data.

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Load List view on the Interactive Navigation Panel

  1. Select the Business Workflow to view a list of the accessible loads.

  2. View the load details by clicking on the load name in the Interactive Navigation Panel.

  3. Likewise, use the Search option to search for a specific Load_id.

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Searching a Load on the Interactive Navigation Panel

  1. The details page appears on the screen on selecting the load. The selected load row is highlighted on the Interactive Navigation Panel.


Listing Page

  1. Click on a Business Workflows tile to view all the loads that are a part of it.
  2. This redirects the user to the Load Listing page.
  3. The Load Listing page contains a list of all the loads present in the Business Workflow that are selected.

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Load Listing page

Detail View Page

The Detail View Page contains detailed information about an invoice. This page contains all the process-related attributes and respective data. All invoice-related operations are also performed on this page.

  1. Click on a Business Workflow tile from the Business Workflows page.
  2. Find the required load on the Load Listing page.


View Details button or page-like icon

  1. Click on the page-like icon present under the Actions column to view the load details.
  2. The page-like icon is also referred to as the View Details action button.
Actions Column

The Actions column is the right-most column on the Load Listing page. This page contains several icons to perform load-related actions from the Load Listing page.


Details page of a load

Master Tables Page

The Master Table tab is the third and final tab in the navigation panel. This tab displays all Master Rate tables on the platform like Tax_rate, Pre_approved_shunt, and others.
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Master Tables page

Select the Grid or List icons at the top right corner of the Master Tables page to change the layout of the Master Table tiles, respectively.
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List & Grid Layout icons

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