Sign Up
- 22 Jul 2022
- 1 Minuto para leer
- Impresión
- OscuroLigero
Sign Up
- Actualizado en 22 Jul 2022
- 1 Minuto para leer
- Impresión
- OscuroLigero
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- Access the DL Wallet mobile application by registering throuh the Sign up process.
- Click the Sign up link to redirect to the sign-up screen.
- Register on the DL Wallet mobile application by providing details such as Email address and click on the Continue button to proceed further.
- Now, fill in the First Name, Last Name, Password, Confirm Password text fields and click the Finish button.
The password entered in the confirm password field must match with the password entered in the password field to complete the sign up process.
- Upon clicking the Finish button, the following message is displayed on the screen:
An OTP has been sent to your email address.
- Verify inbox and check for the received OTP. Copy the OTP.
The One Time Password (OTP) is sent to the email address provided during the Sign up process.
- Paste the OTP received in the email in the Passcode field and click the Continue button.
- If the email address and OTP are correct, the following success message is displayed:
Account is successfully created. Please login!
Password validation rules
Password strength should be 8-16 characters comprising at least 1 uppercase, 1 number and, 1 special character.
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