Rebate Shipment
- 10 Apr 2023
- 1 Minuto para leer
- Impresión
- OscuroLigero
Rebate Shipment
- Actualizado en 10 Apr 2023
- 1 Minuto para leer
- Impresión
- OscuroLigero
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Rebate Shipment Workflow
Carrier offers a discount to Retailer for a set of orders they get from Retailer. Carrier send a consolidated file at the end of the month with all the shipment details and gives rebate to Retailer.
- Login to the DL Freight eCommerce participant account.
- Click on the Business workflows from the left Navigation Panel.
- Click on the Rebate Shipments Workflow.
Business Workflow – Rebate Shipments
- View the list of Rebate workflow instances on the Instance Listing page.
Workflow Instance listing – Rebate instances
- Click on View details icon to view the details of the shipment delivery done.
Workflow Instance listing – Rebate for store
- View the Rebate Information on the Instance details page for the selected store.
Instance Details page – Rebate Information
Rebate Indicator
DL Freight eCommerce system rates every rebate shipment that qualifies or do not qualify for rebate. The system does rating based on the contract between the Retailer and the Carrier.
There are chances that only a few shipments qualify for a rebate in system analysis and rest does not:
- If qualifies: Y for (Yes)
- If does not Qualify: N for (No)
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