Rate Table
- 10 Apr 2023
- 1 Minuto para leer
- Impresión
- OscuroLigero
Rate Table
- Actualizado en 10 Apr 2023
- 1 Minuto para leer
- Impresión
- OscuroLigero
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Carrier can view all the carriers related Master Table. The Master Tables are managed and maintained by the Data Operator to support the application's business process.
To view the Master Table and related tables, follow the below-mentioned steps:
- Login to the DL Freight eCommerce platform.
- Click on Master Table at the left Navigation Panel.
- The Master Table page contains information like Ground rates, Rate table, Express rates, etc.
Master Table
- You can access the following master tables:
- Rate table
- Fuel rate table,
- zone table,
- Accessorial rate table,
- Tax rate table,
- carrier information table,
- Ship node information table,
- Payment Vendor ID,
- Threshold
Rate Table
Rate table denotes the base charges applicable for a shipment delivery from retail store to the delivery location.
- Click on the Eye icon to view the Rate Table under the master table.
Master Table – Rate Table
- View the details like SCAC, FSA, Branch, etc on the Rate Table page.
Master Table - Rate Table details
- Click on Download at the top right corner of the screen to download the Rate Table.
Rate Table - Download
- View the link to the downloaded data on the registered email address.
The link to the downloaded data is sent to the registered email address after a timeframe.
Master Table - Success Notification
If you see a failed notification, repeat steps 1 to 4 in this section, to download the master table data.
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