Create Admin User
- 21 Apr 2022
- 1 Minuto para leer
- Impresión
- OscuroLigero
Create Admin User
- Actualizado en 21 Apr 2022
- 1 Minuto para leer
- Impresión
- OscuroLigero
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- Click on the Admin Users tab in the Navigation Panel.
Admin Users tab
- The Admin users page is displayed where a list of admins users is configured on the platform.
Admin user page
- Click on the + icon on the top right side of your screen to Create Admin user.
Create Admin User icon
- Next, upon clicking the + button a Create Admin user screen appears.
Create Admin User screen
- Fill all the required details under the Basic Info tab, like First name, Middle name, Last name, Email, and Contact Number.
Basic Info tab
- Select the Tenant ID for which the admin user needs to be associated.
Selecting Tenant ID
When you choose the Tenant ID, the platform automatically generates the Domain.
- Now, click on the Create button to create an Admin.
Create button
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