  • 25 Feb 2022
  • 3 Minutos para leer
  • Oscuro
  • PDF


  • Oscuro
  • PDF

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Resumen del artículo


An auditor is any person who gains access to the platform to inspect if the work is being carried out smoothly. Auditors can be internal with access to the whole platform or external with limited access to the platform.

To create an Auditor, follow the sequence below:

  1. Click on the Auditors page in the Navigation Panel.

Auditors - List page

  1. Now, click on the +Auditor button located at the top right corner of the page.

Adutiros - Add Auditor button

  1. A Create window form slides in from the right side.

Auditor - Create window form

  1. To expand this window into a full-screen view, click on the Expand icon at the top right corner of the screen.

Auditors - Maximize option

  1. Similarly to exit the full-screen view, click on the Restore icon.

Auditors - Restore to default option

  1. Enter your First Name and Last Name in the respective fields.

The name can be a mix of characters, numbers, special characters as per your requirements. The character limit for the Business Entity name field is 50.

  1. Likewise, select the type of Auditor from the type dropdown box. Auditor can be internal or external.

Create Window - Type Dropdown box

  1. Upload ID Proof for the Auditor.

An ID proof works as a validation for Auditors to gain access of the platform.

  1. Now, enter your Email, Contact Number, Address, Country, State, City, and Zipcode in the respective boxes.

  2. You can also select your language from the Preferred Language dropdown box.

11 . Click on the Set as System Auditor checkbox in case you want the Auditor to be a system auditor as well.

Remember, an internal auditor can only be selected as a System Auditor. If you have selected External auditor in the type dropdown box above, this option will not be visible.
Likewise, a platform can only contain one System Auditor. So, in case you already selected a System Auditor before, you won't be able to add a new one unless the old one is removed.

  1. Likewise, select the External Network User checkbox if the Auditor is an external user.

Any auditor who is from the outer network is an external network user. This function acts as a validation for the external user.

  1. Now, click on the Next button to move on to the next page of Auditor.

The next button is only enabled when mandatory fields are filled with relevant data.


Auditors - Create Window

14 Now, select the Master Table you want to add from the Master Table tab by clicking on the check box of the Master Table.

  1. Likewise, you can also select all Master Tables by clicking on the checkbox at the top.

Type the Master Table name in the Search Master Table textbox in case you want to search for a particular Master Table.


Create Window - Master Table tab

  1. Moving ahead, click on the Download or Upload button as per your requirements.

Download or Upload buttons provide the Auditor with the capability to download the content of the master table or upload new content to it.

  1. Next, click on the arrow on the right side to select or deselect a column.

  2. Furthermore, enter a column value from the table in the column value textbox.

You can only make changes in the column section of a Master Table when you have selected it.

You can select a column name or add multiple column names and provide values against them. This ensures that the Auditor will see only that data from the selected master table in which the columns have these values.


Auditors - Master Table section

  1. Click on the cross icon on the right side to delete that column.

  2. Click on the +Add more option to add more columns from the table.

  3. Once completed, click on the Save button to successfully add a new Auditor to the platform. In case you want to clear the entered data instead of saving it, click on the Clear button. This would wipe out all the data across fields. Click on the Close icon or click on the Cancel button to abort the operation.

  4. A notification Workflow auditor is created successfully appears on the bottom left of your screen.
    create7 .png

Auditor creation notification

If a notification Your web browser may have encountered an issue. Please try again appears at the bottom left of your screen, understand that the Auditor is not created.
If the operation fails, try clicking on the Save button again. Kindly repeat the procedure to create an Auditor.

create8 .png

Error notification

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.