  • 20 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minuto para leer
  • Oscuro
  • PDF


  • Oscuro
  • PDF

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Resumen del artículo

Participant is an individual who has access to the DL Asset Track™ platform. They are added by a particular Business Entity. Participants add or updates data on behalf of their respective Business Entity.

To create a Participant on the DL Asset Track™ platform, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Log in to the DL Asset Track™ platform Operator account.

  2. Click on the Participants page on the left Navigation Panel.

  3. Click on the + Participant at the top right corner of the screen.

Participants - Create_Create - Particpant.jpg

Add Participant

The + Participant tab appears at the center of the screen, if no Participant has been added.

  1. If required, click on the Expand icon to maximize the Create page and Collapse icon to restore the Create Page.

Participants - Create_Expand Create Window.jpg

Expand icon

Participants - Create_Collpase Create Window.jpg

Collapse icon

  1. On Create Page, enter the Participant details:

    1. First Name – Participant First Name
    2. Last Name – Participant Last Name
  2. Select the Business Entity from the Business Entities drop-down.

A Participant can be linked to more than one Business Entity.

Participants - Create_Create window - Business Entities.jpg

Business Entity drop-down

  1. Select the preferred language from the Preferred Language drop-down.

Participants - Create_Create window - Preferred language dropdown .jpg

Preferred language dropdown

  1. Enter other details like Email, Contact Number, Address Lines 1 and 2, Country, State, City, and Zipcode.

  2. Select the External Network User checkbox if the Participant is an external user.

Any Participant who is from the outer network is an external network user. To summarize, this function acts as a validation for the external user.

  1. Click the Do not allow to send instance checkbox to restrict the sending of the instance by the Participant.

Do not allow to send instance option restricts the Participant from sending the instance to other entities. Additionally, users can make changes to this instance but cannot send it ahead.

Participants - Create_Do not allow to send instance.jpg

Do not allow to send instance

  1. Check the Create Another checkbox to stay on the Create page if required to create more Participants.

  2. Check the Retain Data checkbox to retain the current data for the next Participant user to be created.

To enable Retain Data checkbox, Create Another checkbox should be checked.

Participants - Create_Create Another and Retain Data Checkboxes .jpg

Create Another and Retain Data Checkboxes

  1. Click Save.

The Save option is enabled once all the mandatory fields are entered. Mandatory fields are denoted using the asterisk (*).

Participants - Create_Create - Final Screen.jpg

Save Participant

Once saved, a notification appears, “Workflow participant has been created” at the bottom left of the screen.

Participants - Create_Success notification.jpg

Success notification

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What's Next
Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.